Recession? What Recession?

Citigroup gets ready to cut 52,000 jobs 

…Citigroup Inc revealed plans to cut 52,000 jobs by early next year in Chief Executive Vikram Pandit’s most dramatic move yet to restore profitability and bolster a sagging share price.

The cuts, announced on Monday, will affect 15 per cent of Citigroup’s workforce and come on top of 23,000 jobs eliminated between January and September…

SBI to hire 20,000 people

…the country’s largest lender State Bank of India (SBI) is going against the tide with its plans to recruit about 20,000 people in the current fiscal.

…in New Delhi on Thursday, SBI Chairman OP Bhatt said the bank will employ 20,000 people in the current financial year as it is set to open more branches across various parts of the country.

MerA BhArat MahAan !


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B Shantanu

Political Activist, Blogger, Advisor to start-ups, Seed investor. One time VC and ex-Diplomat. Failed mushroom farmer; ex Radio Jockey. Currently involved in Reclaiming India - One Step at a Time.

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3 Responses

  1. krishna says:

    It seems that Indian banks are not in global recession and expanding without any problem.

  2. AG says:

    Important to ask what sort of people SBI is recruiting.

    In any case, i hear that indian cos are girding for a huge buying spree, with US assets priced at world-record lows.

    AS the US/EU degrow, india is slowing down, that too more due to the inaction and ineptitude of her own government.

  3. tarique says:

    friends , if u have difficulty understanding the current world financial situation , the following should help…….. once upon a time in a village in india ,a man announced to the villagers that he would buy monkeys for 10 dollars . the villagers seeing there were many monkeys around , went to the forest and started catching them . the man bought thousands of monkeys at 10 dollars , but as supplies started to diminish ,the villagers stopped their efforts . the man further announced he would now buy at 20 dollars . this renewed the efforts of the villagers and they started catching monkeys again.soon the supply diminished even further and people started going back to their farms . the offer rate increased to 25 dollars and the supply of monkeys became so little that it became an effort just to see a monkey ,let alone catch it. the man now announced that he would buy monkeys at 50 dollars . however ,since he had to travel abroad on busness ,his assistant would now act as buyer ,on his behalf . in the absence of the man ,the assistant told the villagers ”just look at the monkeys in the big cage that the man has collected . i will sell them to u at 35 dollars and when my boss returns from abroad , you can sell backto him for 50 dollars ” .the villagers squeezed together all their savings and bought all the monkeys locked in the cage . then they never saw the boss or his assistant again , only monkeys everywhere . WELCOME TO WALL STREET . (this is exactly what the common middle class saving people went through in america and india . the republicans in america and congress in america along with rich industrialists and share brokers did exactly what the man amnd his assistant did to the villagers ).