Celebrating India…and the emerging world order

This article was forwarded by a friend from UK. It is an extract of the UK Chancellor Gordon Brown’s speech while on a recent visit to Bangalore, (Jan 17 ’07).

Excerpts (emphasis mine): 

“…Now as the Times of India has rightly said, India is poised: your time is now – “a pulsating dynamic new India is emerging…an India that does not follow but an India that leads…

…Let me first congratulate the Indian businesses here today for your individual and collective success – a success story now recognized and applauded in every continent.

an India which has doubled your national income in just 15 years, doubled your share of world exports, lifted over a hundred million people out of poverty; an India that over the next five years will create one in every four of all new jobs in the world, and by 2020 an extra 200 million jobs – more than America, Europe and China combined.

And in less than three decades from now you will be the world’s third largest economy…

Nobody should be surprised about the high tech, high value, innovative quality and the progress from the country that invented the zero, and first calculated the value of “Pi”, and is now the only country outside America and Japan to have developed a super computer – a tribute to your enterprise.

…And let me here in Bangalore also celebrate the immense contribution of people of Indian origin in Britain: 1.5 million men and women, 2 per cent of the population but over 4 per cent of GDP, including some of Britain’s most successful young entrepreneurs

Thirty years ago India and emerging Asia accounted for just one eighth of the world economy; ten years ago one fifth; now it is almost a third; and in the years to come half the world’s growth will come from China, India and emerging Asia.

…It is time to formally recognize on a more consistent and regular basis the reality of this emerging new world order…”

Full extract at http://www.thechilli.com/articles/misc/095_BrownSpeechBangalore.asp 

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  1. We Hindus have been the worst victims of Islamic fanatics for centuries, humiliated culturally and ethnically in our OWN motherland,
    turning the greatest and richest civilization in the history ,into a poor and ragged ( what Naipaul calls )’wounded civilization’!…
    and at the end left alone, down-trodden with just the remains of our raped civilization : all due to our indifferent outlook at the things around us, and our leaders ( like Gandhi ) who were more obsessed with non-violence and muslim-appeasing than their own life, property and honour…!

    We still find upright and clear-visioned leaders like Balasaheb and Tilak a bit, if not a lot , unfitting our mainstream politics. Our standards are too childish and silly ! If a leader does not undergo “hindu-muslim bhai-bhai…” dance-and-drama, does not appease the stubborn Imam of Jamamasjid on eid – we brand him: a Hindu fundamentalist…!

    At this critical juncture of history when we need a Sardar Patel whom the muslim fanatics fear ! not a Gandhi they laugh at…!

    Wake up brothers and sisters !
    It is payback time….

  2. Indian says:

    to Jagmohan Singh Khurmi

    Very well said.

    In discussion with outsiders, whenever they complains about India’s poverty, chaos, insecurity, and uncleaniness. They blame our attitudes and culture. I tell them on their face it has nothing to do with People’s culture or attitudes. But infact, today’s India is, (as per Mr. Naipaul )because of invaders ripped and robbed India’s civilisation.
    They reduced India to skeleton. It will need more time and courage to mend everything and we will shine like a Sun one day.
    But I think we need more powerful visioners and politicians. In present slot i respect Advani, and many more who in true sense are fearless.