Blasts in Bangalore: Pearls of Wisdom

India’s Home Minister Shivraj Patil said

“Such incidents will not deter the government from pursuing its policy of dealing with anti-national elements in a resolute manner,”

Intelligence Bureau sources said…”they could be retaliatory in nature”. 

Retaliation for what? 😐

the ready-made statement from Hon PM:

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh condemned the serial blasts and urged Bangalore’s residents to “remain calm and maintain communal harmony,”

Now wait for the drama to unfold:

The Attack √

The Appeal for calm √

The Condemnation √ (see below)

The suspected “Foreign Hand“ – waiting

The Arrests – waiting

Special honourable mention for of any reader who gathers the links to Condemnation, Foreign Hand and Arrests before anyone else.

B Shantanu

Political Activist, Blogger, Advisor to start-ups, Seed investor. One time VC and ex-Diplomat. Failed mushroom farmer; ex Radio Jockey. Currently involved in Reclaiming India - One Step at a Time.

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7 Responses

  1. Hrishi says:

    Well spotted..and cruelly ironic; one’s heart goes out to the families of Lakshmi, the garment factory worker and Anbu, the laborer who were killed.

    The UPA govt.has been toothless and indecisive in dealing with terrorist attacks – does anyone believe that NDA will be do any better? I mean this seriously not cynically.

    Manmohan Singh, our economist PM seems to be risk-taker for what he believes is economically good for our country e.g nuclear deal, economic reforms – hope he now sees that successful terror-creating activities such as what happened at Bangalore will be highly damaging to our economic climate as well. After all how many people would buy an MF investing in business ventures in terrorist ridden Palestine or in Iraq (even if the US ran its business)??

  2. B Shantanu says:

    The Condemnation (from the Hon Home Minister):

    ‘I strongly condemn today’s blasts in Bangalore. I convey my sympathies to the affected families and pray for speedy recovery of those injured in the blasts”


    As for me, I will be saying a silent prayer for all the unfortunate victims of this madness…

  3. Dirt Digger says:

    Its ironic that the PM, who so viciously attacked Advani for his feeble actions after the attacks on the Parliament, should speak out like a mullah preaching non violence.
    Arresting the criminals or providing the victims some hush money does not resolve this issue.
    Going after the masterminds and their political masters should be the ultimate goal. But unfortunately this govt. does not appear to have the b@lls to tackle this issue.

  4. B Shantanu says:

    More “pearls”…In New Delhi, Home Minister Patil said:

    This is the time when we should not allow anybody to make use of these blasts to create more terror and more difficulties.

  5. Indian says:

    Yes, more difficulties for who? Congress! As long as minorites are safe why worry? Is that fine Mr Patil. So only muslims mujjahiddin is allowed to do whatever terror or problems they want on Hindus land? You seems fine with that! Are you a man or what? Mr. Patil. Dont you have blood in your body, Mr Patil?

  1. July 26, 2008

    […] The Great Indian Tamasha Posted on July 26, 2008 by Chhatrapati Shivaji It unfolds every time a terror attack occurs in India, even though the act itself is no tamasha, what follows is nothing short of black comedy or black tamasha. It goes this way (better put by B Shantanu): […]