Going into Hibernation…

Dear Friends, Namaskar…

Some of you may have already noticed the infrequent postings and decline in original writing on this blog since the past few weeks.

I have not run out of things to write about…in fact the list keeps getting longer…but I have become involved with a new project at work which is going to be very intense and will need a lot of my attention and time over the next few months.

After struggling to keep up, I have decided that a better alternative is to *freeze* the blog for a while and re-start it when I have slightly more time and attention to devote to the issues that I want to write about.

Although I will be writing a lot less frequently, I still hope to publish excerpts from interesting articles or news-stories that I come across and of course, I will eagerly await your comments and thoughts as I always have.

I am putting *full* comment moderation back in place so ocassionally you may have to wait for a day or two before your comments appear on the blog…I will of course make every effort to be as prompt as possible in this.

One way of still keeping up with what I write (without having to actually visit my blog everyday to check for new entries) is to subscribe to my feeds… For feed of new entries/posts, pl click here and choose your reader; for a feed of “comments”, click here.

Alternatively, subscribe by Email if you prefer that.

Finally, but most importantly, I wish to thank everyone who has ever written in and all of you who subscribe to my feeds and visit the blog regularly…

Your comments, appreciation and support has kept this effort alive and will keep this going once I come out of hibernation 🙂

Until then, thank you and Dhanyawaad.

Jai Hind, Jai Bharat.

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5 Responses

  1. Ram S Pejawar says:

    Dear Shantanuji
    I will miss reading your blog. But probably will enjoy it more when it starts again.
    Wish you well for the new project

  2. B Shantanu says:

    Dear Ram:

    Thank you for your kind words…I too am looking forward to re-starting this effort…hopefully in the not too distant future.

  3. Barun Mitra says:


    Discovered your blog through a friend very recently, unfortunately when you are hibernating!

    Want to invite you and your readers to a new initiative we have launched.

    These are initiatives of Liberty Institute, an independent think tank based in New Delhi.


    Would greatly appreciate your comments and suggestions.

  4. Bhaskar Chatterjee says:

    Santanu: Those who visit your blog can pretty well find out your posts bear originality. We know how difficult and time consuming it is to consistently come up with such blogs when (Indian) English Press is so full of perversity.

    Wish you very best.

    Bhaskar Chatterjee.

  5. B Shantanu says:

    Dear Barun: Thanks for the links. I will have a look at them.


    Dear Bhaskar: Thank you for your kind words and encouragement…I hope I am able to revive this effort – at least in a modest way – soon.

    Until then, thank you for your patience and support.