When is it OK to wage “Jihad”?

Halfway through an innocuous article about an unusual Saudi programme to “rehabilitate” jihadis, the Director of the Care Rehabilitation Center, Sheik Ahmed Hamid Jelan lets his guard slip. The excerpt (from the TIME magazine article) needs no further commentary (emphasis in bold is mine).

..Although the perimeter is guarded by police, the facility feels like a country club or college campus. Detainees (Young Saudis caught fighting American forces in Iraq) have lots of downtime and soda pop.

They spend their days in vocational training, psychological counseling and classroom lectures, most of which are given by religious scholars from the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, including the center’s director, Sheik Ahmed Hamid Jelan.

He walks the detainees through religious texts on jihad–a theological minefield, considering that while the Saudi government forbids fighting in Iraq, it once recruited young Saudis like bin Laden to fight the Russians in Afghanistan.

The basic difference, Jelan explains to his charges, is that fighting the Soviets served the interests of Saudi Arabia and the Muslim world, while struggling against the U.S. in Iraq does not…”

Does this mean that it is acceptable to wage “jihad” if it serves the interests of Saudi Arabia and the Muslim world?

See also: SRK: “Jihad” a small little word

Image of Afghan Mujahideen (1985), courtesy: Wikipedia

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13 Responses

  1. Patriot says:

    The mistake we make is to accord Islam the status of a religion. The truth is that it is still a cult and behaves like one. And, a particularly, violent one at that, irrespective of what its name stands for.

    So, what would you expect the poor, indoctrinated, cultists to do?

  2. Nandan says:

    Whatever diverts them from violence is to be welcomed.

    Is it not strange that people who kill in the name of God are destroying God’s own creation? It beats me how such a simple logic gets overlooked by those who think they are doing God’s work.

  3. Dr. Ranjeet Singh says:

    But Mohammad was a prophet of the Arabs and Allah has decreed that Kafirs are to be put to sword and their homes and properties destroyed. Jehova too has said that He was the God of the Israelites only.

    So, that logic does not apply there. They are doing what they have been commanded by their God.

  4. Ashish says:


    Jehovah/Allah/Jesus are all fake. People should read what these so-called Gods ave said in their books (read Old Testament for how Jesus says “If your father does not believe in me, kill him; if your mother does not believe in me, kill her”. Lots of things which are nor exactly “turn the other cheek” that missionaries lure you in with.

    All these “religions” are clubs: Join me, and live, or else, die. Plus, if you join me, you have the God-given right (literally) to kill/rape/loot people who resist joining the club.

    The only real reilgion is the one that emanated from India: Hindu Dharma/Jain Dharma/Sikh Dharma etc

  5. Patriot says:

    Ashish: “read Old Testament for how Jesus says “If your father does not believe in me, kill him; if your mother does not believe in me, kill her”.”

    Ummmmm no, this is not correct, as only the New Testament deals with Jesus and is “the word/world of Jesus” as recorded by his disciples.

    In fact, the way I look at it, is that the New Testament is really the reforming document of Old Testament. Although the Old Testament is filled with gore, etc, the basic fundamental of the Old Testament says ” Thou shall not kill”

    And, Jesus was the first of the Judaic tradition to say “turn the other cheek” and tells god to “forgive them (romans/jews) for they know not what they do”

    So, I do not think you can really club the New Testament (christians) with the Old Testament (Jews) with Islam (kill ’em all types).

  6. Ashish says:

    Patriot: I not all that up on “Xtian”/Titus stuff…but it is in there,,maybe not in OT. I will post the link to the “if your father be against me” stuff soon..I had posted the pdf set on here earlier, but the link is not opening now, and I cannot remember where I had posted it on this blog.

    Meanwhile this more than makes my point:

    Also, have you looked at how the Jesus story was forced upon messianic Jews by Romans?

  7. Ashish says:

    See how Jesus absolves the Romans..see what words are put in the mouth of this made-up Jesus character. All to suit Romans. Joe Atwill explains it all in Caesar’s Messiah.

  8. Patriot says:

    Ashish: “Also, have you looked at how the Jesus story was forced upon messianic Jews by Romans?

    Yes, I have read this link, but based on my limited knowledge, Dan Brown is more believeable than these guys …… this is like a fringe sect saying Jesus was not crucified and went on to live in India, etc

    There is also interesting stuff to read, if you are interested, on how the Roman emperor Constantine embraced Christianity to prevent a civil war in his empire and set up the Nicene Council, which came up with the “acceptable version” of the NT, which is really where Jesus was officially deified as son of god.

    If you really want to explore this, the bigger issue is how the church (organised religon) went on to deify a man (Jesus) and make him “son of god” etc. Plenty of interesting, informed debate on this topic and other aspects of christianity, dating from the renaissance era.

    Separately, the point I was making was that both the NT and the Koran have their roots and genesis in the OT. However, while the NT was a reforming document and thesis, and moved us forward on the road of individual liberty and equality, the Koran was a more aggressive and regressive document and thesis, IMO.

    Of course, the church (especially the Roman Catholic Church) abused even the NT to consolidate their power and conduct wars against non-believers, but that is the nature of the beast.

  9. Ashish says:

    Point taken.. Koran is plainly uber-hostile (and tailor-made to glofiry the “messenger”) not even just more aggressive, IMO..

  10. Patriot says:

    Justice: Get raped in Saudi, then get 200 lashes

    Such is Sharia ….. I wonder where all the muslims are, who defend their sharia jurisprudence? How come there is not a single voice of protest from muslim countries and population???? And, it is left to the kaffir US to lodge a protest.

  11. Ashish says:

    Look at the testimonials from ex-muslims on FaithFreedom.org. Someone from Saudi says women have to have their father’s photo on their ID, not their own. And a father can kill his daughter if needed, and the courts can do nothing. Saudi has a woman F16 pilot, but a male needs to drive her to the airbase..

  12. B Shantanu says:

    Talking of Saudi Arabia, read this op-ed piece by Jemima Khan (ex-wife of Imran Khan) on “Britain’s love affair with the Saudi kingdom” article in which she writes:

    “…I’ve been to Saudi Arabia a few times. It’s not much fun being a woman there. I suspect it’s worse being a Saudi woman.

    I’ve heard old ladies complain that they are so harassed at night by the frustrated male youth of Jeddah that they have to take their scarves off and reveal their raddled faces just to scare them off. The irony of having to show your face to protect your modesty was entirely lost on them.

    In Saudi Arabia, a woman can’t travel abroad, leave the house or even be examined by a doctor without the express permission of her husband. She cannot be seen with any man except a close family member, the only exception being her chauffeur – and that’s a necessity because legally she’s not permitted to drive. She cannot marry a non-Muslim (or even a non-Sunni Muslim). And she cannot wear anything other than a long black cloak and headscarf in public…

    A few years ago, 15 girls died in a school fire in Mecca because religious police (“The Commission for The Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice”) prevented them from leaving the blazing school building as they were not wearing correct Islamic dress and there were no relatives outside to receive them. Apparently the police beat them as they tried to escape.

    …The madrassahs in Pakistan, which gave rise to the radicalism of the Taliban, have been funded by Saudi money since the Afghan jihad.

    And a hoard of malignant literature can be found inside as many as a quarter of Britain’s mosques, published and distributed by agencies linked to the government of King Abdullah. These “education pamphlets” call for, amongst other measures, the beheading of Muslims who abandon Islam, attacks on homosexuals, religious segregation of society, for women to stay indoors and interfaith marriages to be banned.”

  13. Ashish says:

    Namaste Shantanu,

    Saw your comment on one of a sanjeev post regarding reza aslan’s book. Please find the below link exposing Reza Aslan


    About the book, the critics says that he deceived readers by presenting caravan raids as “bloodless”.

    Also “Reza Aslan make no mention of what core Islamic texts say about those raids, for example, what happened at Nakhla, where for the first time Muslims succeeded in finding a caravan to target?”

    He mislead readers by claiming that Prophet Muhammad did not consummate his marriage to Aisha when she was 9.

    Well Reza Aslan is not reliable 🙁