Tagged: Jihad

Understanding Political Islam

Thanks to Krishen-ji for alerting me to this interview of Bill Warner, Director, Center for the Study of Political Islam (CSPI).  CSPI is devoted to the scientific study of the foundational texts of Islam, including the Koran and...

Recommended Weekend Reading

Some good links for the weekend: Excerpts from the Pak army and the jihadi’s second coming: Read in the context of recent incidents of ceasefire violation along the LOC and the controversy surrounding Gen...

When is it OK to wage “Jihad”?

Halfway through an innocuous article about an unusual Saudi programme to “rehabilitate” jihadis, the Director of the Care Rehabilitation Center, Sheik Ahmed Hamid Jelan lets his guard slip. The excerpt (from the TIME magazine...

A “marginal minority” of 15 million – CORRECTED

My favourite quote re. radical elements within Muslim populations is: “most Muslims are liberal, peace-loving souls and Islamic radicals (undoubtedly misguided youths) are only a “marginal minority”… Which sounds great until you realise that...