Tagged: Election Watch

Just as I was beginning to feel hopeful…

…comes the news that almost half of the candidates* standing for the Assembly elections in Bihar * have pending criminal cases against them… Worse, “Several of these criminal charges are serious charges, like Murder,...

Kaun Banega Crorepati?*

Anil Bairwal of ADR released their “Updated Analysis of Lok Sabha MPs” – Criminal, Financial,Educational Background yesterday in which I found this nugget of information: Total number of crorepati MPs in the present Lok...

ADR’s latest initiative: MyNeta.info

Dear All, I am very pleased to share news about the latest initiative from friends at ADR: http://myneta.info/  MyNeta is a a phenomenal effort to empower voters and to make them more aware of their...

Still a long way to go…

Courtesy Sachin, an extract from an email sent by Election Watch: National Election Watch (NEW) has looked into the list of candidates declared by BJP and SP and matched them with the affidavit records...

Changing India – Step I

Dear Friends, Thanks to all of you for an overwhelming response to my two posts: Who is B Shantanu? and Changing India – One Step at a Time. I am more hopeful than ever before and absolutely...