Category: Political Ideology

“What You Can’t Say” – Excerpts

Some excerpts from a brilliant essay by Paul Graham – What you can’t say. Deeply thought-provoking and intellectually stimulating: *** Excerpts from What you can’t say *** …What scares me is that there are...

Skype Conference Call, 12th Dec at 8pm IST

Following the first skype call we had a few days ago, I would like to invite all of you to join the conference call tomorrow, 12th Dec at 8pm IST, focusing on Identity. The single point agenda...

Do we need to re-invent the wheel?

In conversation after conversation following the attacks in Mumbai, the one thing that invariably comes up at some point is the need for “ordinary” people (or to be more accurate non-professional politicians) to get involved...

What is Freedom? – by Sanjeev Sabhlok

Continuing the promised series of articles by Sanjeev Sabhlok, here is Sanjeev on Freedom. Please note that the emphasis is mine. Freedom first A country is jointly created by its citizens through a social contract...

The Politics of “Identity”

Many of you would remember the controversy surrounding Jaya Bachchan from a few months ago, triggered by a speech she gave in Hindi in Mumbai. Writing about it, Tarun Vijay wrote (emphasis mine): What are...