Do we need to re-invent the wheel?

In conversation after conversation following the attacks in Mumbai, the one thing that invariably comes up at some point is the need for “ordinary” people (or to be more accurate non-professional politicians) to get involved in the political process and bring about change in India.

I believe there is now widespread dissatisfaction around the performance of our elected leaders and people are increasingly questioning their ability to perform. There is also growing skepticism about the established, mainstream political parties.  Everyone down from Aamir Khan is talking about how politics needs to change and why the “youth” need to come forward to lead this movement.

For those of a certain age (i.e on the wrong side of 30 – and more – including me), this might sound too idealistic, too simplistic and too easy. It probably is…and yet there is no doubt that there is a real groundswell of discontent – which if channeled correctly can bring about significant and sustained changes in the political landscape.

To everyone who has asked me in the past few days about what can they do, I would repeat what I wrote a few weeks before (here and here): 1] Read about issues 2] Discuss them and 3] Get involved in some group or the other.

Fortunately there may not be any need to re-invent the wheel. I believe there are at least half-a-dozen serious and organised groups who are striving to shake people out of their lethargy and get them involved in the political process.

I have written about some of these groups before…but here is a short (and almost certainly incomplete) list of some of the more prominent ones.


Jago Party

Bharat Punarnirman Dal

Professionals Party of India

And then there are initiatives such as Jaago Re! and ADR (Election Watch).

I understand that you may find it hard to agree with some of their agenda and/or tactics but I think the intentions are genuine – and don’t forget that some of them are doing real and serious work on the ground.

I am informally associated with several of these groups and am currently spending most of my time on coming up with an ideological framework that could guide a new political movement. Stay tuned for this.

Also I am planning to have a follow-up conference call this week on 12th Dec (Fri) at 8pm IST.  I am trying to arrange a bridge number in India so that everyone (from India) can easily dial in via their cell-phones or landlines rather than having to be on Skype. More details on this soon. Pl. note the date and time in your diaries. Thanks.

Related Posts:

Changing India – Step I 

Let a hundred flowers bloom* 

Lets come together to build a *new* and proud India… 

In defense of MMS, Shivraj Patil and others

B Shantanu

Political Activist, Blogger, Advisor to start-ups, Seed investor. One time VC and ex-Diplomat. Failed mushroom farmer; ex Radio Jockey. Currently involved in Reclaiming India - One Step at a Time.

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20 Responses

  1. Rohit Joshi says:

    Hi Shantanu

    I’ve been thinking about this since we last spoke. Although the idealogical framework could be quite detailed, the principle on which it is based could be quite simple. Something that resonates with everyone. The three words that seem to sum it up for me are –
    – Integrity (in thought and deed)
    – Responsibility (in executing the power that might be conferred on the individual or the party)
    – Accountability (for actions, or lack thereof)

    The above 3 values in any organisation or individual will go a long way in restoring our faith in the leadership of the country. Commitment to these 3 values will ensure that the heart is in the right place. Marry these with competence and it could become a very strong proposition.

    So my thoughts for the framework
    Integrity, Responsibility, Accountability, Competence

    Easier said than done I guess! But hopefully the journey has now started.


  2. krishna says:

    The link u have provided for the website professionalpartyof india to check out is not working.

    The skype call will be be better option than the cellphones because of the calls we receive at that time.

  3. v.c.krishnan says:

    Dear Shantanu,
    I do not know how far this will fit in here but in my opinion, let me tell you that unless we make a complete break from the existing way of looking at politics there is nothing that is going to happen very much. We will be just wasting time.
    I am not very convinced about the fact that values, responsibility, ethics or competence matters, unless, PROUDLY I CAN SAY IT IS THE BJP, where these matter; our electorate is not competent to understand the concept of a GREAT COUNTRY.
    Even today it is not development or competency that matter; IT IS PURE CASTE BASED AND RELIGIOUS BASED POLITICS THAT MATTER.
    It is not only here but also in the GREAT WHITE WEST!
    WE call it a Dynasty;
    Let me explain in detail;
    On the evening of August 28, 1968, 10000 people gathered to protest at the Grand Park to protest the Democratic Convention taking place a few blocks away, which was about to nominate Lyndon B. Johnson’s Vice President, Hubert Humphrey,thus ratifying implicitly the hated Vietnam War.
    Chicago Mayor “ROBERT DALEY” had warned the protestors and denied them permits to assemble.But they came anyway. All afternoon, the protestors chanted and the police hovered, until about 3.30, when someone climbed a flagpole and started lowering the American Flag.
    Plice went to arrest the offender and were pelted with eggs, chunks of concrete and balloons filled with paint and wine. The Police responded by charging into the crowd, clubbing bystanders and yelling “Kill! Kill! in what one report termed a “police riot.”
    Forty years later happy liberals mobbed by another mayor “RICHARD DALEY” to celebrate Barack Obama’s election – RICHARD DALEY, Chicago Mayor, son of the man who told police to bash heads. (TIME )
    We have had so much from our “Liberals” who take the cue from ONLY THE WEST; Talk about the election of Shri: Obama and comparing it with our local Mayawatiji, and how the “BRAHMIN ELITE” will not permit the election of the likes of her to be PM!
    Is it the Brahmin Elite or the DYNASTY!!

  4. Guru Charan says:


    I don’t know about you and others on this blog, but i feel that if the BJP doesn’t clean up its act, we may need a party on the principles of Sanatana Dharma. BJS/BJP is supposed to be a party for Hindus, but i think political compulsions have made it dilute its original ideology of Hindutva and it has become a kind of mirror image of the Congress although it is much better cadre wise and it doesn’t suffer as much from the disease of sycophancy that Congress does.

    I don’t know if loksatta, Jago or Bharat Punar Nirman dal are based on the principles of Sanatana Dharma. They don’t state it explicitly in their web sites. In fact i couldn’t get to the loksatta website. Jago party says that its ideology is based on National Interest. Fine. But i don’t know if the party people are conscious that national interest means upholding Sanatana Dharma. Even if it is not explicitly stated, if the people are aware of the fact that in Bharat, Nationalism has to be based on Sanatana Dharma, then there is a possibility of revival. Otherwise it would flounder in the long run for want of clarity and principles.

    Here is an article by Smt. Radha Rajan on how the BJP has declined in the past few years

    I couldn’t agree with her more. Also Shri R. V Bhasin ( thinks that the Jan Sangh needs to be revived.

    It can be done in one of several ways. Either get parties like the BJP to go back to its root of Hindutva and be unyielding about it. Or Jan Sangh could be revived. There are still Jan Sanghis like Shri Balraj Madhok who are disillusioned with the RSS-BJP and its likes.

    Or some people who are staunch Sanatana Dharmis can get into parties like Jago, BPD and influence policy making to uphold the principles of Dharma.

    Lastly, one can form a new party (not my choice) purely on the basis of Nationalism based on Sanatana Dharma. Such a party should have strong grass roots and be very strong ideologically and refuse to negotiate its ideology for short term political gains.

    My two cents. Also i look forward to attending the call on Dec 12.



  5. Indian says:


    You have voiced what not only me but many are looking for. Party for sanatan dharma. When one can have Islamic republic of Pakistan on this Earth Why not Hindu Rashtra. Why we always shy away calling India as Hindu rashtra! Every religion around the world are having their voice in their country. Why not we?

    Here I also agree with VCK. We alone have to fight for our rights.

    Jai Hind!

  6. Indian says:

    Hindu Rastra doesnot mean only Hindus but includes every religion and community. It is to demonstrate our ancient and vibrant cuture and tradition country (place) have evolved. To preserve ideology without conflicting with other.

  7. Guru Charan says:


    I agree that there should be a party for Sanatana Dharma. But they should not compromise on the ideology even if they don’t make a significant dent for the next 50 years. And they should not be afraid of being called Communal. The problem with the RSS-BJP types is that they are constantly worried of being called Communal and they go out of their way to prove that they are more secular than the secular parties (whatever that means). This idea of secularism should be completely thrown out of our system.

    We should have a party that proudly proclaims themselves to be Hindus or Sanatana Dharmis. I have not seen one BJP leader worth the name claim that he/she is a proud Hindu.

    See this very insightful article by Koenraad Elst

    You will see what i am talking about. I am hoping against hope that BJP will reclaim Hindutva. But i don’t see it coming.


  8. patiala says:

    Isn’t Narendra Modi of the BJP the icon of the BJP? Then what is the need to worry if BJP is pro-Hindutva or not?

    The BJP is the only pro-Bharat, pro-Sanatana Dharma alternative. That is the USP of the BJP.

    Keep your faith strong in the BJP, my friends. Do not waver.

    Otherwise, the alternative is scary !!!

  9. Indian says:

    But haven’t we seen recent results of elections? BJP is out from Rajasthan, Mizo and Delhi. May be Hindutva went against them? Congress is educationg people that hindutva is dangerous. And so called convent educated are the one who believes in congress.

    Jai Hind!

  10. B Shantanu says:

    While on BJP, many of you will find this interesting:

    “BJP: Ayodhya or Ajmer?” by Sandhya Jain

  11. patiala says:


    Perhaps Hindutva went in favour of the BJP in Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh – inspite of a general anti-incumbency trend?

    In Rajasthan, the BJP stood steadfast and did not yield to blackmail/pressure from the Gujjars and Meenas to tamper with the reservation quotas. That is why the BJP got 18 assembly seats less than the Congress.

    In Delhi, the BJP could have won if Arun Jaitley had been the Chief Ministerial candidate. Plus, the Congress government of Shiela Dixit has settled millions of illegal immigrants (Bangladeshi Muslims) in Delhi and given them ration cards, Voter ID cards etc. These illegal votes tilted the scales, especially when many Hindu middle-class voters proved apathetic and did not vote at all.

  12. patiala says:

    Shantanu ji,

    There isn’t even a choice.

    Given a choice between the BJP and Congress, I gladly support the BJP.

    Sandhya Jain is welcome to take the hardline stance, which is necessary to keep the BJP on the correct track – so it does not deviate from its core, founding principles.

  13. patiala says:


    Please look at this graphic. I will tell you an interesting way of comparing the BJP vs. Congress’ performance in the assembly elections in all the states (MP, Chattisgarh, Rajasthan, Mizoram and UT-Delhi)

    Add the total number of Assembly seats won by BJP in all the states = 297
    Add the total number of seats won by Congress in all the states = 279

    So nationally, the BJP won more Assembly seats overall than Congress in these elections. Ergo, the BJP will win more seats in a Nationwide Parliamentary Poll from these states.

    Let’s not forget. The anti-Congress anger in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka and other states against the Mumbai Terror Attacks has to be seen to be believed.

  14. AAryana says:

    I think we don’t need to re-invent the wheel. We just need to re-start the wheel which got stalled, everybody knows since when.
    Following questions comes to mind:
    Q1. Do we really need a political party?
    In olden times there was lack of communication, education and humane society. Now we can represent ourselves and address our questions directly to he government
    Q2. Dont’ we just need a representative who can summarize the concerns and put forward?
    This way Executive body will work efficiently and save cost and time instead of keeping Politicians happy rather than the citizens of the country.

    ||Namo Bhartam, Namo Samskritam||

  15. B Shantanu says:

    @ Rohit: Thanks for your comment. I liked the basic principles…but we also need a framework which can guide policy-making. E.g. the three principles cannot help us deal with the question of reservations – or terrorism, for that matter. But “Integrity, Responsibility, Accountability, Competence” should be at the core of whatever we do. More on this when we speak.

    @ krishna: Thanks for the alert on the link. Now fixed. I have noted your suggestion re. continuing with Skype…I may stick with it this time as I simply have not got around to arranging the bridge.

    @ vck: Good comment re. dynasty..Sadly most of us here do not belong to one! But what is the choice? We got to at least try and change, isnt it?

    @ Guru Charan: Thanks for alerting me to the broken link re. Loksatta. Now fixed. Look forward to discussing this in more depth on 12th. Agenda of the call is: What could be the basis for an “Indian Identity”?

    @ patiala and Indian: Thanks for sharing your thoughts.. Also, thanks for the link Patiala (#13)

    @ Aaryana: The whole problem is in finding such a “representative” especially someone who has the attributes that Rohit mentioned in his comment (#1)!

  16. AAryan says:

    We can find such a represntative. It is not a big task.
    Everybody in here viz. Rohit, Krishna, VCK, Patiala, Gurucharan, Indian are exhibiting that they care and want to serve the society in their best capacity.
    – For e.g. lets analyse how Jihadists are trained. First they are instigating the fear, then insecurity and then making them believe by a well structured training. They arm them with a strong purpose and then provide them the tools.
    I agree that it needs less energy to cultivate destructive attitude then constructive. This is a “Law of Nature”.
    – We need to do the same thing. Integrity, Responsibility, Accountability is developed through proper education and training. Competence need proper tools for application.
    Thus we need to dig deep and analyse the root cause.

  17. patiala says:


    Oh…and one more thing about the Rajasthan elections. There was a 1.4% difference in the votes received by BJP and Congress.

    Overall in Rajasthan, BJP got 35.5% of the votes, and the Congress 36.9%.

    Such a small percentage resulted in BJP winning just 18 seats less than Congress (out of a total of 200 seats).

  18. Indian says:

    Thanks @Patiala

    That shows Rajathan was confused who to vote? I was not expecting this from Rajasthan. At the end everything ends up with who the leader of that state is. BJP to be more careful and watchful for leader they select.

    BJP candidates must learn form Congress. In congress I see tight unity, integrity and everyone ready to take command. What Sonia. G., says is final, like “Sar Aankho Pe” without ego clashes. This is what I think.

    Jai Hind!

  19. B Shantanu says:

    Has anyone heard of this group/people?

  20. Patiala says:

    Let’s not waste our time and energy re-inventing the wheel or fantasising about politics.

    For a prosperous, developed, corruption-free India, let us elect:

    L.K.Advani as PM in 2009.
    Narendra Modi as PM in 2014.