Category: Miscellaneous

This Independence Day, dive deep..माने, गहरे पानी पैठ..

..or as they say in Hindi, गहरे पानी पैठ… पिछले सप्ताह, भारतीय राजनीति पर एक लंबी चर्चा के बाद एक मित्र ने कहा, “यह सब तो ठीक है, अब बताओ हम क्या कर सकते...

A School for Political Leaders of Tomorrow

Some of you may recall a brief post last year about an extraordinary institution called “Chanakya Institute of Public Leadership” (CIPL) in Mumbai.  For those who may not know or remember, Chanakya Institute is a...

Public Service Announcement: Certificate in Public Policy

Dear All: Thanks to Manali Shah for alerting me to the “ìpolicy Certificate in Public Policy”. Below are more details… Centre for Civil Society, recognised as one of the top Think Thanks globally, invites...

The latest from Twitter..and a short blogging break

Dear All: Due to work constraints and travels, I will be somewhat irregular and less active on the blog for the next several weeks..I do hope to remain more regular (and active) on twitter...