In case you are wondering what I did on Valentine’s eve…
I was here…talking to a bunch of bright people and listening to some great ideas… Â Could anything have been more exciting?! .
Dedicated to Bharat and Dharma
I was here…talking to a bunch of bright people and listening to some great ideas… Â Could anything have been more exciting?! .
Dear Friends, Please make note of an important change re. comments and email address(es) In the past, I have occasionally used the email address that you enter when you submit a comment to get...
…travelling around and at various times in Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore and New Delhi… Most of the time will be in meetings (work-related); Remaining will be absorbed by talks/calls and meetings re. politics/ reforms/ upcoming elections… It...
*** Why I Hate Bloggers *** Reflections of a “mainstream” journalist/reporter They trawl the internet (and worse, google caches) to find words/reports/quotes from me that are either a] embarrassing and/or b] contradict my current position/actions and/or...
Stumbled on this last week… I AM BIHAR I am the history of India I gave the world its first Republic I nourished Buddha to enlightenment I gave world its best ancient university My...
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