On Inflation महंगाई व उसके मूल कारणों पर कुछ विचार..

A short snippet in Hindi on Inflation and its root causes (poor storage facilities, stupid regulations, bad policies etc)


Also see: Liberalisation से किस गरीब का फायदा हुआ है? and if you like what you see, don’t forget to subscribe to my channel!

B Shantanu

Political Activist, Blogger, Advisor to start-ups, Seed investor. One time VC and ex-Diplomat. Failed mushroom farmer; ex Radio Jockey. Currently involved in Reclaiming India - One Step at a Time.

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5 Responses

  1. RC says:

    As usual, spot on and on the money!!! Great explanation of the systematic malaise that causes inflation in India.
    India’s dysfunction is a great subject for study of how macro economic policy impacts common people.

    Keep posting these informative little snippets explaining macro economics. Thanks.

  2. Kshitij says:

    As RC said really informative, though you seem a little agitated unlike your last video 🙂

    Keep up the great work.

  3. B Shantanu says:

    @RC: “India’s dysfunction is a great subject for study of how macro economic policy impacts common people”: Sadly, yes..And that is why I am beginning to focus on these videos and talks as my own modest and & very humble attempt at explaining this to common folks who otherwise have little interest in economics – or politics..

    @Kshitij: “you seem a little agitated unlike your last video” – Angry (and frustrated?) is more like it, I think!

    Thanks to both of you for the encouragement..

  4. V.Rao. says:

    The root cause of INFLATION is corruption at all levels in the Govts whether Its state or center and the most affected are the Poor and the Common man. Even if we look at the UPA we find corrupt ministers are in the cabinet. Anna team question to the UPA for corrupt ministers is relevant and the ministers should come out with answers.

  5. rp shahi says:

    एक राज्य से दुसरे राज्य में अनाज ले जाने के बारे में तो एक आन्दोलन छेदी ही जा सकती है….क्यों नहीं एक पेटिसन दे कर उसमे जन समर्थन लिया जाये?