What are you doing this 26th Jan?

Dear Friends, one of my frequest frustrations when explaining the idea behind Freedom Team of India is getting people to udnerstand the need to “Leaders First“. As I mentioned in an email to Sanjeev recently:

One of the recurring discussions I keep having with youngsters involved in politics is re. our approach to focus on finding leaders first. It may not suprise you that may people…instinctively “rebel” against this idea and ask why are we not doing more things on the ground etc…

This topic cropped up again during my recent visit to India, which triggered the idea to host a live chat with Sanjeev for readers of this blog & facebook page (and of course all members/readers of FTI blogs and groups) on why we decided to focus on finding “Leaders” first…

Please join us for Live Chat on 26th Jan at 530pmIST on “Why bringing leaders together is so critical for the task of Reclaiming India”

Related Posts: Notes from North-East: Politics, FTI and Corruption

Why India desperately needs good leaders today

Yeh “Liberal Agenda” kya hai?

B Shantanu

Political Activist, Blogger, Advisor to start-ups, Seed investor. One time VC and ex-Diplomat. Failed mushroom farmer; ex Radio Jockey. Currently involved in Reclaiming India - One Step at a Time.

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1 Response

  1. Khandu Patel says:

    By definition a leader is one who guides or inspires others with a vision or to do great things. The qualities that define leadership is not one of making the appointment of a leader: that merely defines the manager. If it it is the objective of Freedom Team India to craft a popular movement, its very weakness is evident in the very fact that clearly it does not have a process to appoint office holders or leaders to a movement which people ought to be clamouring to sign up to. The idea of freedom probably is not of them because India is hardly enslaved by a foreign power. The fact that India is beholden to a shabby and corrupt political class and institutions requires deep surgery. This certainly requires leader at the helm of a movement for reform and justice. Freedom Team India got things noticed. Serious business requires a matching agenda and machinery to talk matters beyond mere talk.