What I am reading this weekend…

New insights on the modular planning of the Taj Mahal‘ by Prof R Balasubramaniam – Exploring the link between Taj Mahal and Harappa [ pdf download ]

Is Islam the Problem? by Jonah Godlberg

K N Govindacharya on Akhand Bharat (in Hindi)

Climate change: the worst scientific scandal of our generation by Christopher Booker

The latest issue of Towards a Great India

Selected past weekend readings:

Recommended weekend reading

Weekend potpourri: Kashmir, BJP, Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam

B Shantanu

Political Activist, Blogger, Advisor to start-ups, Seed investor. One time VC and ex-Diplomat. Failed mushroom farmer; ex Radio Jockey. Currently involved in Reclaiming India - One Step at a Time.

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4 Responses

  1. Raghav Garg says:

    Shantanu Ji,

    It was amazing literature. I went through some of it. Very inspiring ! !


  2. Patriot says:

    On the scandal and sham that is “climate change science”: (A cross post)

    It is not often when the day’s newspaper, especially the grim Indian Express, makes me smile, but today my day was made by this news article in the IE:


    After the email hack that exposed how so-called “climate scientists” were picking specific data points, massaging the data points and no raw data to back up their analysis, we now have “speculation” masquerading as science. It was a speculative comment that the Himalayan Glaciers would melt by 2035, and not science – and IPCC have been cleared to use “grey literature” as scientific treatises …….. WOW!!!!!!

    I am gobsmacked by the audacity of IPCC and Pachauri – and I am also delirious with joy. We can now officially bury the sham that is climate change “science” and “man-made global warming” – and call it for what it is – a fraud, preying on people’s anxieties, a natural offspring of the great Malthusian population bomb, that never exploded. People born in the 90’s do not even know about this other massive gloom and doom theory, and the fraud that it was.

    When meteorologists, TODAY, with all their super computers and satellites and ocean bed sensors can not predict when the next earthquake will hit, what route an ordinary hurricane will take before it takes it and TOMORROW’s weather, here we have the awesome spectacle of “scientists” saying they can predict earth’s climate – 50 and 100 years hence!!!! Put it in the bin, mate – you guys are done.

    : ))


  3. B Shantanu says:

    @ Good one Patriot…and thanks for the link…

    You (and others) may also find these three posts from my other blog relevant and interesting:

    Help, I’m feeling cold…

    Al Gore’s Inconvenient Un-Truth(s)

    and Why do I feel a chill when people talk of global warming?

    Oh and somewhat relevant: Globalizing Consumption, American Style…

  4. patriot says:

    Thanks for the links, Shantanu.

    I am getting increasingly peeved by the fact that Pachauri continues to go about as if he is the wronged party – why has he not been fired yet?

    And, the less said of Hasnain, the better – on TimesNow, yesterday, he says that “he has been misquoted and misinterpreted”.

    I fell off my chair laughing – right, misinterpreted, and you have spent the last three years calling up IPCC frantically to correct the error.

    What frauds.

    And, to think that our “venerable” Tata Group is implicated in this whole sordid saga as well – I wonder what dear Ratan has to say to about it?
