The “50-year rule” – courtesy Scott Adams

A brief extract from Scott Adams (creator of “Dilbert”) “The Power of Ridiculous Reasons

The human mind is wired to accept ridiculous reasons as if they are legitimate.

…I mention these examples because I think the world needs another ridiculous rule to solve some big problems.

The new rule would be this: Any land controlled by a country for 50 years straight is legitimately theirs. It’s like a statute of limitations for armed resistance.

…While the 50 year rule is clearly arbitrary and ridiculous, our minds allow us to accept such things as if they are real rules. So in time it might influence the inhabitants of the disputed lands to accept their situation. Realistically, if a country is controlled for 50 years, it’s probably going to stay controlled. Continued resistance doesn’t benefit anyone.

Consider all of the international struggles that involve lands conquered more than 50 years ago, or approaching that. The partisans need a reason to stop fighting that doesn’t sound like they are a bunch of quitters. Honor is at stake. The 50 year rule is the non-reason reason.

I am aware that this rule, if followed, would sanction enormous unfairness, subjugation, apartheid, and worse. But those things would happen with or without the rule. The only difference is how many innocent people die trying to change a situation that is unlikely to change.

Provocative…to say the least.

B Shantanu

Political Activist, Blogger, Advisor to start-ups, Seed investor. One time VC and ex-Diplomat. Failed mushroom farmer; ex Radio Jockey. Currently involved in Reclaiming India - One Step at a Time.

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1 Response

  1. Dirt Digger says:

    Interesting thoughts. The rule is great theoretically but flawed practically as imposition of the rule would need agreements across the board by all parties or an overpowering body, neither of which will occur as all parties would rather hedge the current setup than lose potentially lose land in the future.