Happy Gudi Padwa and Happy Ugadi !!

UPDATED on 4th April 2011:

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भारतीय नव-वर्ष आप सभी के लिये मंगलमय, समृद्धशाली व स्वास्थ्य-वर्धक हो |

कृपया अपने मित्रों, सहपाठियों व परिवारजनों को भी नव वर्ष की शुभकामनायें अवश्य दें…व वसंत के हर्षोल्लास में खिली हुई प्रकृति का स्वागत करें…व स्मरण करें…

चक्रवर्ती सम्राट श्रीरामचन्द्र व महाराज युधिष्ठिर के राज्याभिषेक का…

महाराज शलिवाहन द्वारा शकों पर विजय का …

संत झुलेलाल जी व सिख गुरु श्री अंगद देवजी का…

अपनी भाषा, अपनी संस्कृति तथा अपनी परम्पराओं का स्मरण करें…आइये सब मिल कर वसंत का स्वागत करें,

शुभकामनाओं सहित,

|| Aum ||

Happy Gudi Padwa, Happy Chaitra Vishu and Happy Ugadi !!

Today is the first day of Chaitra, the beginning of the new year and a day of festivities for many of us and . Chaitra is also the first month in the Indian National Calendar that follows the Shaka (Saka) era.

Happy Gudi Padwa, Happy Chaitra Vishu and Happy Ugadi to all…Enjoy the day…

Some of you may also enjoy reading about the Hindu Calendar System and this post on the meaning and significance of Gudi Padwa.

Please do take a moment to wish your friends and family on this day…In history, today was also the day…

when BhagwAn Shri RAmChandra and DharmaRaj Yudhishthir ascended the throne

Emperor Shalivahan emerged victorious over the Sakas. It is also a day to remember Revered Sant Jhulelal-ji and Guru Angad Dev.

Enjoy the day, With prayers and best wishes for a prosperous, peaceful and joyous year ahead.


Today is the first day of Chaitra and the beginning of the New Year for some of us. Chaitra is also the first month in the Indian National Calendar that follows the Shaka (Saka) era.

Read this post from 2008 for a more elaborate description of the meaning and significance of Gudi Padwa.

Happy Gudi Padwa and Happy Ugadi to all…Enjoy the day…


Picture of Gudi Copyright and Courtesy CusineCuisine.com;      Picture of Ugadi lunch, Copyright and Courtesy The Indian Food Court.

See also: The Hindu Calendar System.  Related Post: Happy New Year !!

B Shantanu

Political Activist, Blogger, Advisor to start-ups, Seed investor. One time VC and ex-Diplomat. Failed mushroom farmer; ex Radio Jockey. Currently involved in Reclaiming India - One Step at a Time.

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11 Responses

  1. Vinay says:

    Happy Ugadi to all of you…God bless you all

  2. Anwin says:

    Hi shantanu, was wondering if you are aware of the Delhi NCR IndiBlogger Meet 2009 scheduled for the 4th of April. Would be great if you can make it and blog about the event too.

    Please send in your ideas for the agenda in the comments section.

    RSVP – http://www.indiblogger.in/bloggermeet.php?id=33


  3. Indian says:

    Happy Ugadi and Gudi Padwa to everyone.

  4. Saurabh says:

    Happy Ugadi and Gudi Padwa
    Happy New year to all.

  5. Kaffir says:

    Happy Ugadi and Gudi Padwa to all.

  6. Surekha says:

    Thank you for the Ugadi wishes- though we Telugu and the Kannada people call it Ugadi, it is in fact a New Year’s Day for Maharashtrians, Konkinis, Kashmiris and Sindhis too !

    I also wanted to share with you how we- every Telugu home (perhaps Kannada too) – compulsorily prepares one particular dish—whether anything else is prepared or not – ugadi pachchadi.

    UGADI is in fact Yuga (Age, Era)+adi (Begiinning)— the beginning of a New Age

    And the “Ugadi pachchadi” (chutney ) is a unique mix of newly ripened tamarind juice, newly blossomed neem flowers, newly fruited raw mango bits, newly made jaggery, newly grown sugarcane bits ..

    And it means – “the sour, the acrid, the tangy, the sweet and the bitter- this is what life is all about, pal !”

  7. Vivek says:

    Tamil Nadu govt changes the new year day to 14th January every year instead of the regular first day of the chaitra masam when Sun enters aries!!



    great going secular india!!!

  8. Nanda says:

    TN govt changed the Tamil New Year to 14th Jan and named it as Tiruvalluvar Era(not sarvadhari). DMK has put a ban on any pooja in temples on 1st Chitra month which was the original new year. So no temples in TN does any special pooja for New Year. This is because the temples are in govt control.

    Its a different thing that Tamils still celebrate new year as per the old date, they are visiting temples on this day as usual though there is no special pooja. Obviously Karunanidhi can’t stop people from going to temple, yet.

  9. Vikram says:


    *** NOTE by MODERATOR ***

    Vikram: Pl. be restrained in your comments. Let us not trivialise an untimely death (regardless of whose life it was).

  10. We all friends happy godi padwa

  11. Nilesh Raut says:

    hi Friends,
    Marathi Navin Varshachay Aani Gudi Padwa chya Hardhik Shubhechhya.