I Hate Bloggers*

*** Why I Hate Bloggers ***

Reflections of a “mainstream” journalist/reporter

They trawl the internet (and worse, google caches) to find words/reports/quotes from me that are either a] embarrassing and/or b] contradict my current position/actions and/or c] make me look like a devil (or worse, an idiot). Such quotes are *always* taken out of context.

When confronted, they gang up with their fellow bloggers and try to start campaigns like STOP watching/reading XYZ (I alas do not have anyone to stand up for me).

They think (and fervently believe that) they are better at writing and reporting than me. Some of them even have the audacity to get together and start their own online news-papers and journals.

In their arrogance (and love for technology) they forget that the vast majority of Indians do not go online for news; they come to me and my channel/newspaper for that.

Unlike me and my colleagues who are always in danger of being sued (and therefore have to measure our words/expressions carefully), they can get away with writing any rubbish (well, almost).

Unlike us who report from the thick of action, in searing heat, in biting cold and from the trenches, they simply hammer away at the keyboard in their cubicles in some air-conditioned offices.

They usually work for *free* and have no idea about the pressures of “commercial” journalism and broadcasting.

They hide behind funny (or weird) nicknames.

They write poorly – having never studied classics or English literature in their life – and lacking any sense of grammar or awareness of spellings.

“Blog” and “Blogger” have such an ugly sound.


Related Posts: “The great joke that is Indian Media” series: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 and Part 8

* With apologies to the universe of blogs and bloggers

B Shantanu

Political Activist, Blogger, Advisor to start-ups, Seed investor. One time VC and ex-Diplomat. Failed mushroom farmer; ex Radio Jockey. Currently involved in Reclaiming India - One Step at a Time.

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8 Responses

  1. Sabari says:

    You didn’t have to stoop down to the same level.

  2. B Shantanu says:

    @ Sabari: I hope you did not miss the point of the post.

  3. borneveryday says:

    Saw a headline on a online news paper today.


    “6-yr-old Dalit girl beaten up by police”

    I fail to understand why the caste is bought up. Was it okay if it was a higher caste girl?? What has happened is wrong, be it a dalit or not. Why do the media have to give a caste color to it?

  4. If this is from real hearted journalist and for the people who blog for their own selfish desires, I have no problem with this!! But the fact is there are very few “Journalists” are in Print/Visual Media. That is why I was forced from myself to write a blog. Each channel or the news paper has its own agenda for giving news which is not at all healthy for our democracy.

  5. rajesh says:

    all these words sound so very cliched. Do any of this bloggers get the exposure, fame, money, acess and the many other things you get ? What does the victim of yours like Aarushi’s father do ? Would yo report a similar situation in your family ?

  6. SeaLion says:

    *** COMMENT EDITED ***

    Yes, most of bloggers may not care a damn about English grammer, because most of them are IITian and IIMians (and I’am not talking of some slumdog ITALIAN INSTITUTE OF MEDIA) which ur whole 7 generations combined would not be even spell. AND UNLIKE U MSM **** they do not have to impress their White Masters at Langley or ISI masters in Lahore. By the way MSM journalists take 6 months DONATION COURSE in journalism from some seedy colleges, however even a Pig with eyes closed can complete it in 6 hours…

    *** NOTE by MODERATOR ***

    @SeaLion: No personal insults and please stick to civil language.

  7. K.Harapriya says:

    Ha! Ha! Ha! Very inspiring Shantanu. Makes me want to start my own blog–if only to join the ranks of other bloggers in kicking main-stream journalist a–.