I am on Alltop!

I discovered earlier today that I am on Alltop’s India page.

For those of you who may not be familiar with Alltop, here is a little bit about them

Alltop helps “you explore your passions by collecting stories from “all the top” sites on the web.

These collections are grouped “into individual Alltop sites based on topics such as environment, photography, science, celebrity gossip, fashion…”etc and each of them “display the latest five stories from thirty or more sites on a single page” in what is called “single-page aggregation.

…You can think of an Alltop site as a “dashboard,” “table of contents,” or even a “digital magazine rack” of the Internet.

I love this idea!

Alltop is backed by one of Silicon Valley’s “gurus” – Guy Kawasaki.  

Site feeds are updates throughout the day so the content is fresh.

Sites are selected based on a combination of factors: “results of Google searches, review of the sites’ and blogs’ content, researchers, and our “gut” plus the recommendations of the Twitter community, owners of the sites and blogs, and people who care enough to write to us…

They also include “Some sites and blogs (that) are relatively unknown but provide…high-quality information…” (I would like to think this blog is in this group!)

Thanks to Alltop for a great idea….and a super-efficient way of keeping up with all the news and views that matter…I have become a fan!

And thanks to all you loyal readers, casual surfers and everyone who has ever left a comment on this site…Your thoughts, views, participation and interest keeps this effort alive.

Jai Hind, Jai Bharat.

P.S. Here is Guy Kawasaki on Alltop and other things.

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3 Responses

  1. B Shantanu says:

    Dear All:

    I am having some serious issues with connectivity and comment moderation (I am travelling).

    Please bear with me. There are some 6-7 comments in moderation….

    I expect to be back on track latest by Thursday…and approve all of them shortly thereafter.

    Thanks for your patience and understanding..

  2. Indian says:

    Congratulation! Great news! Indeed great site and work.

  3. rahul says:

    congrats….love your work..welcome to my blog roll