Scientific validation of Vedic Knowledge

I came across this 30-minute video over the weekend (thanks, Vijay): Scientific Verification of Vedic Knowledge

From the summary:

“A vast number of statements and materials presented in the ancient Vedic literatures can be shown to agree with modern scientific findings and they also reveal a highly developed scientific content in these literatures.  The great cultural wealth of this knowledge is highly relevant in the modern world.

Techniques used to show this agreement include: – Marine Archaeology of underwater sites (such as Dvaraka) – Satellite imagery of the Indus-Sarasvata River system – Carbon and Thermoluminiscence Dating of archaeological artifacts – Scientific Verification of Scriptural statements – Linguistic analysis of scripts found on archaeological artifacts – A Study of cultural continuity in all these categories.” 

Please take the time to watch it…Itis educative and well-researched. I will try and post a summary sometime in the next few days.

It is produced by DevaVision who also have some other interesting documentaries on their site.


* the video is a bit grainy when run the first time but if you re-run it, it is clearer

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  1. Indian says:

    I have come across this video on weekends. Must to watch. It has amazing information. Proud to be Hindu and Hinduism.

  2. Indian says:

    One more thing. B. Shantanu, you are doing wonderful job. Kudos to you!
    We need more people like you who can address the issues with right approach and attitude.

  3. B Shantanu says:

    Dear Indian,

    Thank you sincerely for your continued support and encouragement.

    It is readers like yourselves who make all this worthwhile and give me hope that someday things will change.

    I am trying to get together with some like-minded people and hopefully something more will come out of it.
    Until then, we need to keep our hopes alive…together we can make it happen.

    Jai Hind, Jai Bharat.

  4. Indian says:

    Hi Shanatanu,

    It will happen! Our wishes and support are with you.

  5. neonirvana says:

    Yes, this is a very good video. I have posted it on my bog, . The videos are on the bog itself and hence easily viewable. Feel free to check out this and other videos at