Thought provoking quote…

by Diana West (from her article: “Connecting the dots on Islam“, July 14, ’06) –

Whether most Muslims wouldn’t hurt a fly is an increasingly irrelevant footnote to the hostile aggression of other Muslims who, in a very short time, have actually transformed civilization as we used to know it.

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  1. Awais says:

    I think thats a really stupid thing to say. Comparing extremists to all other muslims is just insane. If they take interpret Islam in their own way and think it allows them to do what they’re doing even though it doesn’t why should other muslims get blamed for it? Its funny how we never label terrorists or other religions as “Christian terrorists” or “Jewish terrorists” but if the person is muslim he is labelled as a “muslim terrorist” Terrorists are terrorist no matter what religion they follow. Religion has nothing to do with it. Its just another excuse.

  2. Christian terrorists are not called Christian terrorists because there are no Christian terrorists and that is because Christianity does not support terrorism ! And same is true about all the other religions except Islam.
    Of course if you work hard enough you can find one or two ‘Christan’ terrorists but then they are terrorists because they are Nazi or KKK or something like that – there terrorist acts have nothing to do with Christanity, as can be expected, because Christanity does not support terrorism. Islam is the only religion that not only supports terrorism but also gives it boost, encourages it , gives it postivism by promising sex in afterlife !
    Now don’t say that jehad means not killing people but becoming good morally good or any other such bullshit as most of islamomaniacs have made up recently to protect their ass in mixed societies