“Water” nominated for Oscar, via Canada!

Deepa Mehta’s Water has now been nominated for the best foreign film award category at the Oscars (as a Canadian entry, even though the director is Indian, as well as the story and backdrop and the actors!)…

I would like to direct you to this post from last year which has a very well articulated letter by Vrndavan Parker on the movie… “Water” and Distorted Perceptions about Hinduism…

Read here how “Water” came to be Canada’s Oscar entry

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3 Responses

  1. Venkatesh says:

    FYI, Western countries, including Canada, pays the likes of Deepa Mehta to bash India Internationally.

    The Canadian govt agency Telefilm funds Deepa Mehta’s movies. Needless to say that after ‘Water’ she was rewarded with even more funds.

    From: “http://www.filmjournal.com/filmjournal/search/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1002383571”

    .. Telefilm also helped finance Deepa Mehta’s provocative drama Water ..

    With regards to all,

  2. Kanchan says:

    Yet another example of so called westernised Indians who know nothing about our culture and country and still think they are capable enough to make sadist movies like `Water’.If she was courageous enough why didn’t she make a movie on why evils like child marriage, sati pratha and other discriminations to the Hindu women started at the first place. I think its easy for some people to criticise than to get into the root cause. Some people see only things they want to see and show it to others as well. And she has supporters as well who just can’t get enough of criticising India and Hinduism. Deepa Mehta is one of those Indians (Hindus) who will abuse and insult their religion,country denying the truth behind, just to get accepted and praised in the western world.I don’t know why people like her are still sticking of Hinduism if they feel it is so backward and has nothing to praise about. She should just convert herself to some perfect religion and leave Hindus and evils of Hinduism alone.

  3. Indian says:

    Yes Kanchan, I agree with you. But, recently I read an interviw of Deepa Mehta, on cbc.ca, after her movie selected for Oscar in short list nomination. It was intresting and where she said and leveled the score with media and other countries. She said that when she came to Canada long time back even she found some issues in canadian culture that can be refered as barbarism. Like, most of the canadian family abandons thier parent in senior homes and meet them once in a while and she discussed other issues such as living condition sometime back in Canada.(I think she was refering to Montreal). Even she said she is making documentary or movie in which candians will be surprised to see how they reacted to brown invasion long time back, when first ship with Indians came to the port of Canada, and they didn’t allow single passenger to step on Canadian land and ship went back with all passengrers.
    So I doubted Deepa Mehta’s intention in the beginning, but now i think she is just making her movie as other professional director for money and to make her movie set apart from others. Not to malign or bring ill to others. If i am not worng to assume such notion.