FBI provides “proof” to India…

I wish…   🙁

Reality is that even if we have the proof, the leadership does not have the guts to actually do something about it..

Things have come to such a pass that the Home Minister actually admits the government’s inability to stop SIMI from its subversive and terrorist activities since Law and Order is a “state subject”!

In the meantime, the “peace process” continues as Shri Saran meets his Pakistani counterpart  in Dhaka. Have we lost all sense of shame and outrage?

Sometimes, it actually feels that we are all watching “Bharat Mata” being disrobed…powerless to do anything about it…Hey Krishna, where are you?

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No Responses

  1. sushma says:

    we hindus even if want to save our future generations and our nation from slavery but our politicians who are selfish , cowards, criminals, shameless to the extreme have no motives to put our nation on the right path. Look at our bunch of ministers -arjun singh who is totally deaf and blind towards the genuine issues raised by our students regarding quota issue . he doesn’t get budged by even self immolation acts , hunger strikes of our future generation . it doesnot bother him how his single decision is throwing a hell on the futures of so many youngsters , not feeling necessary to work out a way to put creamy layer among OBCS out of this .one gets grieved at the state of conditions of our poverty stricken people.the children who need govt. funds ,quotas do not benefit ,on the other hand the children of millioners continue to get benefitted under reservstion garb. i am sure such miserable state of justice will be rare to find in other nations for appeasement of a certain group of people. This coward , a traitor even has more respect for unfaithful muslims than for ‘vande Mataram ‘- a symbol of india. sometimes i feel he must be a mental case and should thus be shot in his head so that other such politicians can also learn a lesson
    our health minister is another example , for satisfaction of his ego , he can go to any extent to harass scholarly people like Dr. Venogopal.these people have become like rakshas twisting laws as per their convenience satisfying their egos, criminal tendencies, power hungary attitudes making dharma abiding people their victims. instead of thinking themselves to be servers of people , they are self appointed dictators – doubling their salaries , their allowances and what not .they are being paid tax payers v. hard earned money for victimising the real Indians(patriots)and pushing our Great India towards darkness

  2. Indian says:

    No body has sense to give quip response to those who don’t want to sing Vandemataram. Govt. has all right to stop govt. funding to them for Haj to mecca. If they have no love for nation why do they use nation fund to send them to haj. And that also paid by infidle(according to them we Hindus are) tax. Some one should ask this question to block head Imam. they should stop using air, food, money and other resources from Indian soil.
    They have no minds of their own. They have double standard for everything. Morever Educated muslim are also block the same way as blocked Imam.