After flippant remarks, it is the turn of some flippant analysis…

Some of you may have read (of) the recent RAND report titled, “Exploring Religious Conflict”.The report received plenty of attention in India when PTI carried some excerpts from the report with headlines that were guaranteed to draw attention. See e.g.
US group says RSS is like Al Qaeda” and “US study clubs RSS, al Qaeda“.

Dr S Kalyanaraman has come up with an excellent counter-analysis that exposes the flaws in the study and points to some of the dangers posed by this kind of sloppy, and half-baked scholarly effort. Read his very well argued piece on Intellibriefs: dated Aug 14, 2005 and titled, “Rejoinder to RAND report: Exploring Religious Conflicts? Or indulging in cosmic fantasies?”

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  1. v.c.krishnan says:

    Dear Sir,
    Thanks a lot for diverting me to this website. I read the whole article and as usual it has the venom of a White Christian Evangelical study.
    These are the people who talk about a paradise after death but make life here a hell for the living. These are the groups which make the living “long dead”
    The study is so highlighted, because it is done by a whiteman and more so by the Americans!
    No where have these individuals discussed the killing fields of Afghanistan, Vietnam and more recently Iraq.
    The bulwark of opposition stems only from the fact that we still have “HIndus” sticking to their way of life inspite of the evil designs of these Evangelicals. They have to discredit before they start attacking. Their philosophy has not changed.
    They are following the same tactics as what they did for Iraq. First the loyal lap dogs said that there were WMD’s, Then when they found that it blew up on their face, they harped upon the fact that he was supporting the Al Qaeda. This was found to be untrue also! by the time the white dog association joined together and said forget it lets get him, The coloured dog association just sniped from the sides.
    They are now following the same trend. First they make a study linking three organisations. They have already started sidelining the Al Qaeda and stating that Christianity and Islam have to converge! Meaning we are dealing with them now and we deal with them later. Let us wait.
    As regards Israel, the less said the better. No US President can survive without not supporting Israel So what is left, the RSS. Comprende??
    It is neccessary that we as a group in India keep a watchful eye on these groups as we already have a lot of Mata Haris and sleeper cellsin India, waiting to act on behalf of their white masters.
    Thanks a lot for bringing this article into focus.