Summary of the Historical Question – Ram Janmabhoomi

This post has been deleted because it has been overtaken by events.

You can read the original post here: 1. Summary of the historical question (Ayodhya) .

The chapters are from Koenraad Elst’s “Ayodhya And After” (Issues Before Hindu Society) Koenraad Elst, published by Voice of India, New Delhi, India

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3 Responses

  1. B Shantanu says:

    Learnt about this last week…Apparently 23 files related to the Ayodhya title suits are missing


  2. Dear Sir
    I remember the story where Americans researched on a “PEN”, workable in the space too, where just a “Pencil” had sufficed the Germans` need.
    Why to go deep and search the truth where its not going to help much. Instead bonding should be made stronger and religious biases should be removed from the both sides.
    We are trying to explore the past to correct the present …I say we should correct the present to save the future.

  3. B Shantanu says:

    Somewhat related: Abhinav Agarwal’s review of Meenakshi Jain’s “Rama & Ayodhya”