Tagged: Water

I am beginning to dread Mumbai..

I am beginning to dread Mumbai.. My favourite city when I was growing up has today become a place that I try hard to avoid. The reasons are not hard to find. Lack of...

Humdrum, boring and so very unsexy..

When I think about water, I wonder why this topic does not get more attention. But I guess I should not be surprised. Water is humdrum; so very unsexy. There is nothing titillating about...

Nightmare at Noon* – Water Wars

In this part of the “Nightmare at Noon” series, a look at why “Water” is the new “Oil”, the possibility of water scarcity leading to “Water Wars” in the future and China’s worrying plans...

PlayPumps – An unusual innovation in “Water”

Continuing the Nightmare at Noon series on “Water“, in this part, an unusual innovation to tackle the challenge of water accessibility. I first heard of PlayPumps about two years ago when I stumbled on...

Nightmare at Noon: Thinking of Water Footprints

Following my nightmare at noon, the first question is how do we raise awareness about this critical issue that rarely gets the attention it deserves? One way to do this is to talk about...