Tagged: Secularism

On Constitution and Secularism

Most readers may already be aware of this but there continues to be a widespread misconception that the word “secular” was part of the original Constitution drafted during 1947-1950. E.g. a recent post on Indian Muslims Blog...

Building the Indian Mind – Brick by Brick

I received this email yesterday and could not stop before reading it right through to the end…It is a long read…quite a long read, in fact.  And it is seriously thought-provoking.  Below, excerpts from a speech delivered by...

Must we separate religion from politics?

This post was inspired by Hrishi and Dnyanesh’s comments�which I am reproducing below. The point raised by Hrishi was (essentially) that democracy and politics (of the modern kind) is incompatible with religion… *** Comment...

Recommended weekend reading

On the demoralising effect of the Sixth Pay Commission on the Armed Forces: A General’s letter in anguish to the PM On the cheerleaders controversy: A Culture of Tolerance� On the developments in Nepal:...

Time to dump some anachronisms?

Came across Barun Mitra’s excellent article in Mint re. the ideology of “socialism” that all of us are forced to adhere to. Excerpts: “…under the Representation of the People Act, all political parties in...