Tagged: Pseudo-secularism

The ridiculous extremes of pseudo-secularism

Fellow blogger Varnam recently wrote two posts on how learning Sanskrit is now considered to be a “communal” activity and something that might put you at odds with the “secular” brigade. In the first one,...

Must we separate religion from politics?

This post was inspired by Hrishi and Dnyanesh’s comments�which I am reproducing below. The point raised by Hrishi was (essentially) that democracy and politics (of the modern kind) is incompatible with religion… *** Comment...

Recommended weekend reading

On the demoralising effect of the Sixth Pay Commission on the Armed Forces: A General’s letter in anguish to the PM On the cheerleaders controversy: A Culture of Tolerance� On the developments in Nepal:...

Does “secularism” mean “favouritism towards Muslims”?

Now that The Economist has said it, is it “official”?  Excerpts from “Bridging the divide” (Nov 7 ’07): “…but what would have distressed Nehru particularly is the prominent role played by religion in domestic politics....