Tagged: nationalism

On Germany, Nationalism and Multiculturalism

From George Friedman at Stratfor, comes this thought-provoking excerpt on “Germany and the Failure of Multiculturalism” (emphasis added): German Chancellor Angela Merkel declared at an Oct. 16 meeting of young members of her party,...

The Politics of “Identity”

Many of you would remember the controversy surrounding Jaya Bachchan from a few months ago, triggered by a speech she gave in Hindi in Mumbai. Writing about it, Tarun Vijay wrote (emphasis mine): What are...

Must we separate religion from politics?

This post was inspired by Hrishi and Dnyanesh’s comments�which I am reproducing below. The point raised by Hrishi was (essentially) that democracy and politics (of the modern kind) is incompatible with religion… *** Comment...

A “nationalism” rooted in Sanatan Dharma

I have never been an�avid�reader of Panchjanya but started admiring Shri Tarun Vijay�after reading some of his articles in the last few months (e.g. see here). As some of you may know, he has...

On Narendra Modi and being a Hindu

Extracts from Shri B Raman’a article in the recent edition of Outlook (Dec 24 ’07), “The Secular Hypocrisy“: *** …The pathological dislike–even hatred–that some of our journalists–particularly in the electronic media–have for Modi could�...