Tagged: Mumbai

I am beginning to dread Mumbai..

I am beginning to dread Mumbai.. My favourite city when I was growing up has today become a place that I try hard to avoid. The reasons are not hard to find. Lack of...

An open letter to BalaSaheb from a Marathi Manoos

Adarniya BalaSaheb, Pranaam. I would have written this letter in Marathi but most of my blog readers are Indians. I have never done a survey to find out how many of them are Maharashtrians...

Remembering Mumbai – in London, 26th Nov

UPDATE: The total amount raised now stands at £400*. Sincere thanks to everyone who pitched in (list below) *** Yesterday evening, 20-25 souls braved the sub-10 degree temperatures and the London rush hour to...

The nonsense about “non-state actors”

In a widely reported statement, Pakistan’s PM President* Asif Ali Zardari said recently that India should not let rogue “non-state actors” push the two countries into a confrontation, thereby implying that non-state actors were solely...