Tagged: Islamism

Make no mistake. This is WAR.

In an eerily prescient post a few weeks back, I had written: Our Kurukshetra is approaching fast. The terrorist attacks in Ahmedabad and Bangalore are merely the latest consequences of a mis-guided, half-hearted approach...

How do you distinguish between an Islamist and a Muslim?

Thanks to Suneel who alerted me to this interview with prolific author, broadcaster and columnist Tarek Fateh (also author of “Chasing a Mirage: The Tragic Illusion of an Islamic State”)… Two short excerpts: How...

On Iran, Anti-Semitism and the Twelfth Imam

Yesterday, I was alerted to this news-report from earlier this week in which Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad was quoted as saying: the state of Israel will cease to exist with or without the involvement of his country....

Will the Darul Uloom now declare war on “Islamism”?

As the Darul Uloom maintains that its fight against terrorism will continue, read this thought-provoking essay by M. Zuhdi Jasser* on what are the ideological standards required to confront militant Islam. In view of...