Tagged: Hindutva

Nanopost of the day…

…in which I get annoyed by Praful Bidwai‘s gratuitous reference to “ethnic cleansing” and “communal clashes” while conveniently forgetting Assam where these words have taken on an entirely different meaning…and the scale of human misery has...

Spot the H-word

Thanks to Sh Nachiketa Tiwari for spotting this and Sh Kak for emailing it to me. Although this is a fairly long excerpt from an exchange of emails re. learning Sanskrit, pl. try and read in full. It shows...

Recommended weekend reading

On the demoralising effect of the Sixth Pay Commission on the Armed Forces: A General’s letter in anguish to the PM On the cheerleaders controversy: A Culture of Tolerance� On the developments in Nepal:...

A “nationalism” rooted in Sanatan Dharma

I have never been an�avid�reader of Panchjanya but started admiring Shri Tarun Vijay�after reading some of his articles in the last few months (e.g. see here). As some of you may know, he has...