Tagged: Ayodhya

Dear Salil, I read lots and lots…

…but still could not find anything to support your contention that “many…jain/buddhist temples (were) destroyed to build hindu temples” (pl read the beginning of this discussion here; emphasis added, throughout) *** CAUTION: Long Post...

Open Thread on Ayodhya…

Dear All: Ahead of the judgement, opening this thread on Ayodhya with this piece of breaking news (unverified): Indian high court rules that key piece of land disputed by Hindus and Muslims goes in...

Ayodhya: Here’s how to pull the rug from under the BJP

Important Note: I am not privy to any *inside information* on the Ram Janmabhoomi case. What follows is based on a personal hypothesis and instinct.  Below, a likely (unlikely?) sequence of events in the...

Dear Vir, Leave these kids alone…

This post was triggered by Vir Sanghvi’s misleading article “Ayodhya for dummies” that he wrote in response to his “younger readers…(who are) mystified by the fuss and annoyed by the refusal of journos to...