Category: Spirituality & Philosophy

RigVeda in UN Heritage List

Some of you may already be aware of this: “Thirty manuscripts of the ancient Hindu text Rig Veda dating from 1800 to 1500 BC are among 38 new items that have been added to...

Redefining Hinduism – Need of the Hour

Tavleen Singh wrote a great piece in Indian Express a few days back titled, “A dark, distorted Hinduism“. In that article, Tavleen talked about how “in these jehadi times, when Islamists run around the globe killing...

Comment on “Religion Without Truth”

In an interesting essay in the New York Times*, Stanley Fish, Professor of Law at Florida International University, discusses whether religion (and specifically Bible) can ever be taught without taking into account the “truth”...

After Christian Yoga, Islamic Yoga*…

…just kidding. On a more serious note, in Hindu Voice UK, Anish Shah recently wrote about the trend to ignore (or de-link) Hindu traditions from their origins and pretend that these were really secular...

Atoms, Neurons and Consciousness…

TIME Magazine recently ran a series of stories on the workings of the human brain which also explored consciousness, soul and afterlife (“Mind and Body Special Issue” Jan 29, ’07). Now, I am all...