Category: Political Ideology

A rethink on majority and minorities…

This post was prompted by an exchange sometime ago on the Freedom Team of India google groups on the subject of “minority protection“. As we get into the final stages of 2009 Lok Sabha...

Yeh “Liberal Agenda” kya hai?

Last Friday (27th), we had the third meeting of a small group of politically active friends here in London. I shared a few slides on “Liberalism” at the meeting as introduction to a discussion...

Quick notes from India visit

Just back from a hectic and intense 10-day visit to India. I did four cities on this visit…and on an average, slept about 5 hours each day…by 7pm on most days, my throat would...

Why bother with politics? – Sanjeev Sabhlok

“Why bother with politics?” I get asked this question often…and I cannot think of a more succinct response than the one penned by Sanjeev below. Continuing his series of posts… *** Why bother with politics?...