Category: Pakistan related

Who are these “militants”?

Why is the English mainstream media so scared of calling terrorists for what they are – instead of the silly label – “militants”? Is this not an insult to our brave officers and soldiers who day in...

Links and extracts for weekend reading

Irfan Husain on how the intelligentsia in Pakistan�is blissfully unaware (or indifferent) to the threat from Taliban Saurav Basu on Amir Khusro and the myth of composite culture and Kapil Sibal on�how the ‘NDA...

This is funny…

Mufti Abdul Rehman Al Rehmani, head of Darul Ifta wa Al-Qazzath of the Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JD) Pakistan: if…Indian Muslims…comply with Indian law, then the coming generations of Muslims in India will be involved in Hindu...

India-Pakistan energy collaboration…really?

Continuing from Part I of this guest post by Ashutosh on India, Pakistan and geo-strategic issues… A few days later (after the Tehelka Summit), I attended the book launch of the second edition of ...

“End the Moral Idiocy on Kashmir” – excerpts

From the original post by Dr Andrew Bostom, “End the Moral Idiocy on Kashmir”   *** EXCERPTS BEGIN *** I participated in a forum on Kashmir last night at MIT in Boston, as this Muslim...