Category: Current Affairs

Of birth rates and Kerala Christians

Many of you must have read the recent news-reports on the Kerala Catholic Bishops� Council’s�recent call to Christians to have more children. It has also been pointed out in�various discussions on this subject that�Christians...

“Un-electing” our leaders – Chhattisgarh shows the way

Surendra Srivastava of Loksatta alerted me to this news: Chhattisgarh: People recall 3 local body chiefs For the first time in the history of Chhattisgarh, people of three urban local bodies have recalled their chairpersons...

How do you distinguish between an Islamist and a Muslim?

Thanks to Suneel who alerted me to this interview with prolific author, broadcaster and columnist Tarek Fateh (also author of “Chasing a Mirage: The Tragic Illusion of an Islamic State”)… Two short excerpts: How...

The ridiculous extremes of pseudo-secularism

Fellow blogger Varnam recently wrote two posts on how learning Sanskrit is now considered to be a “communal” activity and something that might put you at odds with the “secular” brigade. In the first one,...