Author: B Shantanu

A brief note on “Comments”…

Dear All: Over the past few weeks, I have noticed an increasing number of comments that are: posted on the wrong thread (pl use the “Search” box at the bottom of the page to...

India’s Painful Problem of Plenty…

Most of you may know that India produces more food than we can consume. In fact, India has been self sufficient in food for at least the last three decades, having “achieved self- sufficiency...

Open Thread on Elections 2014 – Updated Daily

Note:  This page is updated every day, sometimes several times each day. It will remain so until the declaration of results of the Lok Sabha Elections 2014. Fresh interesting/relevant/critical links will be added to...

Democracy: Why bother?

Today’s thought-provoking post is on “Democracy: Should We Bother?” in which Prof Eric Morris questions this “seemingly unquestionable proposition” Some excerpts below (emphasis added)… The apparently sensible response to this arbitrary exercise of authority...

Is this the end of my fb page?

Over the last few weeks, I began to notice an odd trend on my facebook page.. The “Total Reach” of my posts began to show a marked drop in numbers (see the first 2...