The long road ahead & staying the course…

Dear Friends, as some of you may know already, I formally resigned* from the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) yesterday evening (28th February).

This was a hard decision for me having spent the last couple of months working closely with the AAP members, volunteers and supporters in Indore.  As some of you know, I had also applied to be considered as a candidate of the party for Indore Lok Sabha. But this decision of mine was not about the candidature (as I write this, the selection process remains on-going, although valuable time has been lost and the momentum has significantly weakened).

When I joined the party in December, I was hopeful of being able to contribute & do something substantive & worthwhile for the party/organisation, much beyond the LokSabha elections (in spite of major ideological differences). I was aware of the risks and fully conscious of these differences but hopeful of being able to influence at least some of the thinking.

Specifically, I had formally offered to help, share my experience and contribute in 3 distinct areas.

The first was in the area of policy. I  publicly committed and offered my time and experience to help develop the manifesto, specifically the sections dealing with foreign policy, national security, SMEs and entrepreneurship. This offer was on the table since the day I joined. Unfortunately, it was never taken up. Secondly, I offered assistance in (institutional) capacity building via training sessions, policy workshops and such. Sadly, I did not receive any response to this either.

Thirdly, I had offered help in fund-raising for the party, in particular, by tapping the NRI networks  abroad. Disappointingly, there was no follow-up to this either.

Finally, most of my efforts to engage members & volunteers in ideological discussions and  meaningful conversations on policy or issues of critical national importance were also in vain. I was no longer hopeful of being able to influence, much less steer, the party towards the ideas of liberty, individual freedom and free markets.

Under the circumstances, I felt constrained and frustrated – unable to make any meaningful or significant contribution to the party. Worse, I began to worry that the party may become a confrontational outfit with few constructive solutions. In the long run, I am not sure this will be good for a strong and prosperous India.

The decision to resign was hard and painful – particularly due to the overwhelming support and encouragement I received from numerous friends, colleagues and supporters in the past few months, not to mention fellow members of the party. And it was taken after a great deal of thought and deliberation.

I wish the party and my ex-colleagues good luck & success in their endeavours to challenge the status quo and fight the “system”. And I hope someday our paths cross again.

I remain deeply grateful to supporters and friends in Indore many of whom worked very hard in the last few weeks and gave up countless hours of their personal time to help this effort. I have taken this decision with a great deal of respect for what you contributed.

For those of you who may be wondering what next, I have only resigned from AAP, not given up on political activism.

I shall stay the course. The mammoth task of “Reclaiming India” shall continue.  The resolve will not weaken. And I am confident that whatever be the next step I take, I shall have your support and encouragement, as always. Jai Hind, Jai Bharat! – Shantanu

Related Posts: AAP, Indore and ground-level “politics”..,  On Dharnas and Governance: Views of an “Aam” supporter and The Birth of a Political Start-up & Taking the Plunge..

P.S. Looking back, it was an eye-opening & revealing experience. I learnt a lot. Now it is time to introspect. Comments and thoughts, welcome as always..(pl have a look at my comments policy if you have not done so before).

UPDATE I: I guess these screenshots & news-reports should answer all the questions regarding me quitting because I did not get an AAP “ticket”…

UPDATE II: Some friends/readers have been asking about these screenshots. Others have remarked/hinted/mentioned that I quit since I did not get the ticket (or that it appears so). To clear the air on this (briefly). My candidature was confirmed a week back (now re-look at the screenshots and they might make more sense). But the process was frustrating, disheartening, lacked clarity and did not inspire confidence.

Joining AAP was not about the “ticket” – it was about the opportunity to create impact. Leaving it was not about the “ticket” – it was about the feeling of not being valued and not being treated well. I had reached a point where I would have been forced to sacrifice my self-respect. That was unacceptable to me.

I shall share a few more details in response to the comments.. Thanks.

Below, a personal (& imperfect) attempt to articulate these thoughts in Hindi…

साथियों, आप में से कुछ को यह ज्ञात होगा मैंने २८ फ़रवरी संध्या को आम आदमी पार्टी (आप) से इस्तीफा दे दिया|

पिछले २ महीने से आम आदमी पार्टी के सदस्यों , स्वयंसेवकों और इंदौर में समर्थकों के साथ मिलकर जो काम किया, उसके चलते यह एक कठिन निर्णय था|

जैसे की आप में से कुछ साथी जानते हैं, मैंने इंदौर लोकसभा के लिए पार्टी से उम्मीदवार के लिए भी आवेदन किया था| परन्तु यह निर्णय उम्मिवारी से संबंधित नहीं था (चयन प्रक्रिया अभी भी चल रही है, यद्यपि मुझे ऐसा आभास हों रहा था की हमने कीमती समय गवां दिया है और हमारा ‘momentum’ कमजोर पड़ गया है)|

जब मैं पार्टी से दिसम्बर में जुडा, तो मुझे आशा थी की मैं चुनाव के परे, पार्टी व संगठन के लिए कुछ ठोस, पुष्ट प्रकार से अपना योगदान दे पाऊंगा  (बावजूद इसके की कई मुद्दों पर मेरे विचारों व पार्टी के रुख में वैचारिक मतभेद थे)| इन मतभेदों से मैं अनभिज्ञ नहीं था, साथ ही इस प्रकार के पहल में निहित risk का भी मुझे अनुमान था| परन्तु मुझे उम्मीद थी की मेरे विचारों व सिद्धांतों तथा पार्टी की विचारधारा में समन्वय संभव है|

पार्टी में जुड़ने के समय, मैंने ३ अलग-अलग पहलुओं के सन्दर्भ में (अपने अनुभव के आधार पर) सहायता की औपचारिक पहल की थी|

प्रथम, नीति व मेनिफेस्टो के सन्दर्भ में (विशेषतः विदेश नीति , राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा , SME और उद्यमिता)| इन विषयों पर अपने अनुभव के आधार पर (और समय रहते) सहायता करने के लिए मैं सार्वजनिक रुप से प्रतिबद्ध था| दुर्भाग्यवश, इस प्रस्ताव को गंभीरता से नहीं लिया गया और इस पर कोई follow-up भी नहीं हुआ|
मैंने संस्था व संगठन संबंधित क्षमता निर्माण व प्रक्रियाओं के सन्दर्भ में भी सहायता की पेशकश की थी| इस पर न कोई प्रतिक्रिया मिली न ही कोई जवाब|

इसके अतिरिक्त, विदेश में NRI नेटवर्क के माध्यम से पार्टी के लिए फंड जुटाने की पेशकश पर भी कुछ उत्साह नहीं दिखा और follow-up नहीं हुआ|

अंततः, वैचारिक विचार-विमर्श की दिशा में भी मेरे प्रयास व्यर्थ ही रहे| इस अनुभव के बाद संगठन व पार्टी को व्यक्तिगत स्वतंत्रता, मुक्त बाजार व उदारवादी नीतियों की ओर प्रभावित करने की मुझे अब अपेक्षा नहीं रही है|

इन परिस्थितियों में मैं पार्टी के लिए कोई सार्थक और महत्वपूर्ण योगदान करने में अपने आप को असमर्थ पा रहा था| मुझे इस बात की भी चिंता थी की यह संगठन समस्याओं के रचनात्मक समाधान की दिशा में प्रयास करने की अपेक्षा एक ‘confrontational’ संगठन बन रहा था| एक मजबूत और समृद्ध भारत के लिए यह प्रयास अच्छा रहेगा, इसके प्रति मैं अब आश्वस्त नहीं हूँ|

इस अनुभव व परिस्थितियों के आधार पर मैंने पार्टी से इस्तीफा देने का निर्णय लिया |

यह निर्णय कठिन व दुखदायी था परन्तु इसे मैंने पूर्ण गंभीरता, चिंतन व विचार-विमर्श के बाद ही लिया है| पिछले कुछ महीनों में कई मित्रों, सहयोगियों और समर्थकों से जो समर्थन और प्रोत्साहन मिला, उसके परिप्रेक्ष्य में यह निर्णय विशेष रूप से कष्टदायी रहा| मैं ‘system’ को चुनौती देने और व्यवस्था व यथास्थिति से लड़ने के पार्टी और पूर्व सहयोगियों द्वारा किये जा रहे प्रयासों की सफलता की कामना करता हूँ| और यह आशा करता हूँ कि हमारे रास्ते आगे भी कहीं मिलेंगे |

इंदौर के मेरे साथियों का मैं ह्रदय से आभारी हूँ, जिन्होंने कई सप्ताह कड़ी मेहनत कर, इस प्रयास में तन व मन से अपना योगदान दिया और अपनी व्यस्त दिनचर्या में भी समय निकाल कर मेरे साथ इस काम में जुटे रहे| उनके इन प्रयासों का सम्मान करते हुए मैंने यह निर्णय लिया है |

परन्तु ध्यान रहे, मैंने केवल आम आदमी पार्टी से इस्तीफा है, राजनैतिक गतिविधियों से संन्यास नहीं लिया है|

मैं राष्ट्र निर्माण के पथ पर अडिग हूँ| यह लड़ाई जारी रहेगी | स्वर्णिम भारत का प्रयास अनवरत रहेगा | और मुझे विश्वास है कि मैं जो भी निर्णय लूँ – और जिस भी पथ पर चलूँ, आपका समर्थन व सहयोग सदैव मेरे साथ रहेगा| जय हिंद , जय भारत ! – शांतनु

P.S. बीते हुए कुछ महीनों पर मुड कर देखूं तो यह एक अनूठा  अनुभव रहा | इस दौरान बहुत कुछ सीखने को मिला| अब  समय है आत्मनिरीक्षण का|आपके विचारों व प्रतिक्रियाओं का स्वागत है| अगर पहले कभी इस ब्लॉग पर कमेन्ट न किया हों, तो कृपया मेरी comments policy को एक बार अवश्य पढ़ लें|


* Some readers/commentators have wondered (and a few have asked) if I was ever a post holder in AAP -since I “resigned” from the party.  For the record, I was a member of the Madhya Pradesh Election Campaign Committee which has assumed all the powers of (and superceded) state and district-level committees until the conclusion of Lok Sabha elections. 

B Shantanu

Political Activist, Blogger, Advisor to start-ups, Seed investor. One time VC and ex-Diplomat. Failed mushroom farmer; ex Radio Jockey. Currently involved in Reclaiming India - One Step at a Time.

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41 Responses

  1. Hi Shantanu; I can feel your pain since I had a similar experience with another “citizens party”; where the founders are unwilling or unable to recognize the contributions of capable persons. The bright side that I see is that you left AAP. That sure made me feel good. I think that you can do much more by interacting with the youth. Today, our youngsters are talented, energetic and seeking guidance. Empower them and you empower the Nation. Cheers, mate. (Jai Hind)

  2. Rajiv Chandran says:

    Dear Shantanuji

    Welcome back. Expect you will be moving on to more fulfilling and productive ventures. Sad about your recent experience – but i guess the same challenges also prevent wider participation of the common man in public and political life.

    In the interest of full disclosure let me state that I have been opposed to the AAP party since its inception. Even so I can’t help thinking that if people such as yourself feel constrained and voiceless – then it is the loss of that movement – as it is not able to live up to its own ideological commitments.

    Nevertheless welcome back and all the best.

  3. Praveen says:

    @Shantanu Ji,

    As I have expresses in your previous posts and on FB too, I was just waiting for your resignation. It would have been incomprehensible to me had you continued with this ‘outfit’ (pun intended).

    No need to deliberate on ‘why’ – many of your readers have amply stated that – the party is going ‘somewhere else’, if anywhere!

    As I suggested on my FB post – please join the cause with Rajiv Malhotra ji – you can contribute immensely that way. People of India need to be awakened – if we want to save the country.

    Wish you all the best, as always!


  4. AD says:

    Sir, will you be open to helping AAP with policy in future, if ur help is solicited?

  5. Prakash says:

    Your blog and post is like déjà vu for me; Dittoo experience in the Nov – Dec of 2012 ! Incidentally, I too couldn’t cope with the disconnect and inconsistencies and was on my way out in less than 2 months of close interaction… I am glad you left as nothing weakens more than inconsistency.

    I, fortunately, could never gather the conviction to be a formal member – gave a lot of time and resource but not a commitment of membership…!!

    Look forward to you strengthening SatyaMev Jayate

  6. Akshar says:

    Sad to hear that the AAP did not take you seriously. Their loss not yours.

  7. Pulkit says:

    Hi Shantanu,

    I was skeptical of you joining AAP from day one. The party has done nothing in interest of the country and created confusion.

    Would you like to share your thoughts on whether the party high command actually thought about improving things. Do they investigate properly before accusing anyone? Have they ever thought of hiring experts for opinion?

    You would know a lot and you should educate people about these things so that they can make a wise decision.

    People like you are meant to be free 🙂

  8. sanjay vyas says:

    Very disappointed and AAP is also like other political parties , It seem Good & Honest people are not require in this party also .

  9. Muthuraman says:

    Dear Shantanu,

    I hold no brief for AAP and an ardent supporter of BJP for 20+ years! I am glad you took this decision.

    However, the reasons cited by you look very egotistical and does not reflect the seriousness that merits such a decision! You say you offered to do capacity building but that was not taken up! This is a movement still, and not a well-established party which is being pulled in different directions by diff people now.. I would agree with you, if you had taken up voluntary effort to do capacity building in whatever small way you can in Indore, and the Party objected to such initiative, you have every reason to be disappointed! But now it looks like “hey my ego is so big.. but the party did not massage it enough and i felt let down!”

    On fund-raise, did the party object to you bringing in funds through your network? Am sure, no! Then to accuse the party of “not taking the offer up” is again a reflection of “the party did not value my ability to bring top dollars!” ..

    Sorry, I was more convinced of your decision to quit at the start of the blog than at the end of the blog!

  10. Pramod Kothari says:

    Dear Shantanu,
    I congratulate you on this daring and very apt decision in light of the circumstances where AAP is heading for?? And ofcourse the major points that you raised above for which you got associated with.
    Frankly speaking,The Aap party Collapsed,the very day they formed Govt in Delhi and they went on destroying themselves further with every action or inaction of theirs, thereafter.
    ” Hire ko parakh ne ke liye,Johari ki awashakta hoti hai” unfortunately,Kejriwal failed to recognise your talent and capabilities,not only as a candidate for Indore but more for valuable contribution in formulating the Vision for the nation.
    Any way we are all with you for any constructive contribution in the Nation building,ever n always.

  11. Ramesh K says:

    Dear Shantanu,

    While it is heartening to note that you have left AAP, the reasons cited seem extremely self-centered; that your services were not valued.

    1) You dont seem to discuss issues like economic policy and Kashmir where you were at divergence with AAP.
    2) It appears that you joined AAP to get a ticket to contest, but quit as it became clear that you were unlikely to get it. Hence, your vision of swinging from London into the Lok Sabha on an AAP was dampened. Ambition was dressed in sexy terms like ‘political entrepreneurship’
    3) Note that Arvind / AAP won elections working on the ground in India, not flying in and out. Lesson for all of us is if you really want change, LIVE in India and WORK on the ground. I hope you move back to Indore / India from London soon. Living abroad only exposes what your priorities are.

    That said, I share your goals and wish you the very best in achieving them.

  12. Uday Gokhale says:

    Not sure you read editorial by Chetan Bhagat on Political system in India, but was never convinced by your decision to join the party

  13. anil says:

    plz suport modi bocoz aap is sevond team of congress

  14. उदय गांधी says:

    शंतनू जी, ये सब होनें के बावजूदभी आप चुनाव लड़ कर दिखादो । दुनिया को पता चलेगा की बन्दे में कितना दम है । बेस्ट लक !

  15. Nanda says:

    AAP’s activism against the system and Rahul Gandhi’s vision to change the system are both same non-sense. AAP is not suitable for all activists, but only far-left NGO owning activists and anti-national activists.

  16. RK says:

    Dear Shantanu,

    It is a welcome outcome actually, I was surprised how a nationalist like you could go in a party which at its helm has people who have soft corner for maoists and separatists. These people have been involved in anti-development activities in the past (Narmada Bachaoo Andolan and Anti-Nuclear protests).

    I’m happy that you have decided to resign from this party.

    One of your many follower and well wisher ..

  17. शहीदों के मझारों पे लगेंगे मेले, वतन पर मिटने वालों का यही निशां होगा ।

    !! जय भारत !!

  18. Aman kapoor says:

    Sir we are always with you and it is always a great experience to work with you. Looking forward for your next ventures.

  19. Dear Mr. Bhagwat:

    While it is quite early for me to be able to collate the whole range of emotions that the subject generates, I want to take this opportunity to say that it takes courage to do both – take a plunge and “come out of it” / “take time out” with unanswered questions in mind/heart. Sometimes “crash course in destiny” is the best thing to have happened in life.

    Wishing you the best for your journey ahead,

    Best Regards,

  20. B Shantanu says:

    Dear All:
    1] Pl see the “Updates” to the post above.
    2] This comment is my final word on the AAP experience.
    I will be taking some time off for introspection and would therefore prefer not to respond for a period of time. Hope you will understand. Thanks for your support and encouragement as always.
    @ Sanjay (#1): I like your idea of focusing on the young..I shall be thinking about this in the days to come/
    @Rajiv (#2) and @Praveen (#3): Thanks..I am going to take some time off for serious introspection..I shall let you all know the outcome.
    @AD (#4): Sure – as long as they are willing to listen.
    @Prakash (#5), @Akshar (#6): Thanks
    @Pulkit (#7): Re. “whether the party high command actually thought about improving things..and Have they ever thought of hiring experts for opinion?”, I hope so!
    Re. “People like you are meant to be free..” – I have been hearing this a lot, these past few days!
    @sanjay vyas (#8): Yes, disappointing indeed.
    @Muthuraman (#9): Re. “..if you had taken up voluntary effort to do capacity building in whatever small way you can in Indore”, I had. Did not work out. And re. fund-raising, I had made a substantive proposal (cannot share details here). It was not a casual offer. It needed their support and involvement for it to have worked.
    @Pramod (#10): Thanks
    @Ramesh (#11): There was no opportunity to discuss at all – this was precisely the problem. There was no engagement, no reaction, no response. This was in spite of the very serious and sincere attempts made to contribute & get involved in policy (including economic policy)
    Re. the ticket, pl see “Update II” above.
    As for “living abroad”, I have been spending almost half my time in Bharat since 2011. My personal responsibilities do not make it possible to move here full-time just yet.
    @Uday (#12): I did read.
    @उदय(#14), @Nanda (#15), @RK (#16), Sandeep (#17), Aman (#18): Thanks. Now time for some introspection.. अब समय है आत्मचिंतन का …
    @Anshuman (#19): Re. Sometimes “crash course in destiny” is the best thing to have happened in life., so well said. Thanks
    @Vivek (in response to comment via fb): मैंने सभी channels (indirect and direct) try किये. सभी में हताश रहा| उसके बाद ही यह निर्णय लिया..
    मैं भी इस उम्मीद में था कि समिति में होने से मेरे सुझावों पर विचार होगा – परन्तु न ही मुझे कोई उत्तर मिला, न ही कोई प्रतिक्रिया (नकारात्मक ही सही).

    My parting thoughts:
    Back in December, when I joined the party (in spite of major ideological differences and some concern at some of their methods and actions), I believed the statements about there being no “High Command” culture in the party; about the welcome mat for people with differing ideologies; about a space for everyone who wishes to contribute and respect for such efforts and contributions.
    Unfortunately my time in the party proved to be otherwise.
    Looking back, this was a great – albeit painful – learning experience. It has taught me to be patient and creative. And it has made me more determined than before. Now, back to the drawing board. Jai Hind, Jai Bharat! – Shantanu

  21. prakash says:

    To me, your joining AAP looked like a good decision. When you did not get a ticket, you decided to leave AAP. That too seems like a good decision. That is what politics is all about.

    You did your personal best. AAP seems to have failed to do their ideological best. As usual, wish you all the best but not before you scrub the scales off your eyes. The scales, to be clear, are the wishy-washy ideas about satya, honesty, corruption-free society and all that ideological blabber. The truth is more human. The situation does not have to be as bad as the level of corruption in some societies suggests but to expect totally to eliminate all of these ills is unrealistic and inhuman.

  22. prakash says:

    Here is another thought about the same issue. I hope you will have a little more sympathetic view of politicians who work at the street level. Many of them truly wish to work for the benefit of people around them. They operate based on their understanding and ability. National politics often treats them as mere pawns, not as partners. Unfortunately, there can be only one PM, one MP for each constituency for a given period and so on and so on. The competition if often fierce and unfair. Still, it does give everyone some chance..

    My question to you. As a result of this episode will you be a little more sympathetic to local politicians and even other politicians in general?

  23. ShivKumar says:

    Shantanu: I am glad that you have seen the light. I agree with Atanu Dey’s comment about temporary insanity. However, I cannot help putting you in the pantheon with other Useful Somethings like Nehru who may have been well meaning but were manipulated into doing things to India’s detriment. That said, you do a lot of work and I appreciate it. Shall support you in every way I can.

  24. Shreyash says:

    Dear Mr. Shantanu,

    the concept of AAP is not about Kejriwal or Aam admi party. Its the concept of self governance and ‘Praja’ Satta as explained and awakened to the youth by Anna Hazare and many eminent personalities including yourself. please refer your write up:-

    Kejriwal’s party started on the same lines of
    1)No “High Command” culture in the party
    2)welcome mat for people with differing ideologies
    3)space for everyone who wishes to contribute
    4)respect for efforts and contributions.

    but according to you these are not being followed. If according to you Kejriwal’s start up has failed, why don’t you, along with other eminent personalities start on the same lines or your own lines.

    if kejriwal couldn’t do, can you do it? can you rectify the mistakes and be the hope for the youth of the country? if you can’t then you are among the hundreds or thousands of arm chair critics who know nothing but to complain. As mahatma Gandhi rightly said, Be the change that you want. please go ahead Shantanu Sir, the youth of this country is still searching for a hope. A hope that is lost between murderers and Morons.

  25. Dear Shri Shantanu ji,

    What uou are you will be, what you want to do you will.
    Be confident…..

  26. v.c.krishnan says:

    Dear Shantanu,
    Thank the Cosmos that good sense prevailed on you.This party is only a party pooper and a “Z” team for the Congress and the “A” team for the CIA.
    Today I had read about a team of people in the likes of Anganna Chaterjee/Harsh mander/ Teesta Setalvad etc. GET THE FEEL OF THIS GROUP??
    who are associating with Univ. of Berkley to analyse and take a call on CONFLICT STUDIES in India!
    If you understand the background of the Team AAP most of them are Magasasy Award winners and this funded by the Ford Foundation which is a front for whom you knw.
    Thanks to the Cosmos that you are truly back for the real AAM AADMI.

  27. B Shantanu says:

    From my recent twwets:
    Back in Jan whn I 1st rd ths post by @gajamani “Understanding the creature called AAP”, I was smwht skeptical
    Nw re-read agnst backdrop of Udayakumar & Sabyasachi Panda joining AAP. The pieces appear to be falling in place

  28. B Shantanu says:

    Lookng bck, I thnk I was too optimistic, too gullible or too naive (or perhaps all 3?). Anywys, ws a valuable tho painful lesson

    Prakash, Shivkumar, Prashant, Shreyash and vck: Thanks for your comments…Hope to respond to all of you soon.

  29. Jack says:

    I was sure that you would leave AAP someday. Its good to see that you left the super socialist AAP. It’s time to join the SBP and FTI again.

    I was wondering( and you may call it a pipe-dream)- is it possible to make liberal front for 2014 elections ? Is it doable now ?

  30. Uma says:


    I can understand how hard it must have been for you to take the decision. But, i am extremely happy that you took the decision to quit AAP. Its not the place or the party for true nationalists like you! Its AAP’s loss and not yours. The youth of this country need people like you to show them direction and build a sense of national pride. Shubham bhuyat!

  31. Krishna Kumar says:

    Never thought that you would divorce so soon. I was always wondering about you; how come a person not so comfortable with BJP would run to sleep with AAP. May be that you had a momentary bad planetary spell. Nothing else can explain your last few months. I am happy that you are back to what you are. Good luck.

  32. S. Krishnamoorthy says:

    Dear Shantanuji,
    You have done a right thing, though it is late. Please restore your association with the BJP.

  33. Rajesh Chaudhary says:

    Dear Shantanu,
    I am glad that you are out of AAP. They did not deserve you. They are cynical bunch of leftists and state-ists who have no respect for the individual. They feel that they can constantly manipulate people with their media strategy. (This is a standard USSR tactic)

    You on the other hand are a genuine, sincere individual devoid of this nasty cynicism. (No cynical person would leave a life of comfort and wealth in the west). These AAP naxals absolutely DID NOT deserve you.

    I was disappointed when you had joined AAP and I always thought and secretly hoped that you would get out. I am sorry about the pain of disillusionment that you had to suffer. But, this is India’s gain. You and your knowledge and experience are a national treasure and it would have been a shame if that was wasted on the cynical manipulators of AAP.
    Welcome back!!!

    Your evangelizing of entrepreneurship in India is one of those essential steps that is going to lead India to the path of riches.

    All the best for future.

  34. B Shantanu says:

    Full marks for not fudging on this:
    According to (Yogendra) Yadav, the party has a 35-page document on policy reforms which has not been revealed to the public as the top party leaders “did not get any time to sit and reflect on it.” And one of the biggest hurdles in the way of publishing the policy statement is the section of economic policies — “Or the lack of it.”

    “Everything got jammed because of the economic policy. Because on economic policy there was no clear opinion on what our party stands for,” says Yadav. “It is difficult for a new political party, which began on one single plank, to see what its economic implications are,” he told Firstpost, “There are no difference on opinion on issues like social justice or secularism but when it comes to economic policies, there is a lack of opinion because understanding economic policies beyond generalities requires in-depth knowledge of how the economy runs. And for that we still do not have enough depth.”

    This lack of ‘homework’ has also stalled progress in other areas such as foreign policy, judicial reforms and most importantly, political reforms. “We simply did not have the time that is required to reflect on policy reforms,” says Yadav.

    Yadav readily concedes the fact that the absence of a document on its policy reforms have hurt the party. “It has cost us some support in the thinking classes. But on the whole, the reaction that goes out is that we are erratic or it’s a knee jerk reaction or that there is no overall frame that binds us. Therefore the availability of this document in the public domain would have enabled us to talk about our vision on certain reforms in a better way,” says Yadav.


  35. Pankaj Saxena says:

    I have just one sentence to say:

    Welcome back! 🙂

  36. vasuerfolg says:

    Shantanu jee,

    The writing was always on the wall – about the true nature and motives of the AAP. It was just surprising that you did not see it.

    Nevertheless, better late than never. I am happy that you quit this anti-national anarchist party so soon.

    Welcome back – Bharat Mata ki Jai.


  37. B Shantanu says:

    I am writing a follow-up to this post and shall come and respond to all these comments shortly – hopefully over the weekend.
    Thanks for your support and encouragement, as always.

  38. Khandu Patel says:

    Dear Shantanu
    All these years I have known you, you shunned identifying with any one political party. One reason was your clear identification with Freedom Team India’s agenda which was not subscribed to by any of India’s parties. It is not surprising that AAP who you joined was not interested nor for that matter looked to you as the saviour. AAP is very much an outfit to advance Kejriwal. Your own Hindu preoccupations over the rainbow AAP, all things to all men identifications put you on the opposite aisle. You fall into the category of most Hindus who have valuable contributions to make have to depend on connections to climb the greasy political ladder to get elected. You saw your chance with the AAP. In joining it, you appeared to act contrary to the man I had come to know. Given the opportunity I might have acted know differently but I would never have lost sight of the goal of saving Bharat from all those who are betraying and leading it to destruction including the AAP. There are real faults with the BJP but after the shambolic divisions of the previous years, it has been brought to focus under Modi. For that reason, you should be joining me and all the other well wishers of Modi. AAP has done you a favour in ditching you. History on the side of Modi in this election. You would be making even a bigger mistake if you back the wrong horse in the AAP.

  39. B Shantanu says:

    Some quick responses to a range of comments above…(pl excuse brevity and any typos)..

    @Prakash (#22): Re. “My question to you. As a result of this episode will you be a little more sympathetic to local politicians and even other politicians in general?“, I think so, yes.

    @ShivKumar (#23): Thanks for the continuing support and having faith in me.

    @Shreyash (#24): Re. “..if you can’t (start a party of your own) then you are among the hundreds or thousands of arm chair critics who know nothing but to complain.”, I am disappointed to hear that..I think my actions over the past six years have made me anything but an armchair critic (critic, yes; armchair no)..
    I agree that “the youth of this country is still searching for a hope.“..One day, we will win..Have faith (and patience).

    @Prashant (#25): Thank you for your encouraging and uplifting words..

    @vck (#26): Welcome back, after a long time!

    @Jack (#29): Too late for a liberal front for 2014 elections (in my view).

    @Uma(#30): Thanks for the kind words Uma…(and for the continuing support)

    @Krishna Kumar (#31) & @Krishnamoorthy-ji (#32): Thanks

    @Rajesh (#33): You are too kind and generous in your praise..I can only hope I am able to live up to your expectations..Thanks for cheering me on..

    @Pankaj (#35) and @vasuerfolg (#36): Thanks!

    @Khandu (#38): Hope you had a chance to read my latest post On BJP, supporting NaMo etc..?

  1. April 3, 2014

    […] As I mentioned in my post, “This was a hard decision for me having spent the last couple of months working closely with the AAP members, volunteers and supporters in Indore. When I joined the party in December, I was hopeful of being able to contribute andamp; do something substantive andamp; worthwhile for the party/organization, well beyond the Lok Sabha elections. I was aware of the risks and fully conscious of the (significant) ideological differences but hopeful of being able to influence at least some of the thinking.” […]