How do you get your news?

Friends who know me well sometimes wonder how I manage to keep up with developments in spite of not reading any newspaper (in print) or watching any TV.

I stopped relying on the TV as a source of news more than 15 years ago (my monthly TV viewing these days averages between 2-4 hours at most).

I stopped reading news in print since 2005. At first, this was a reaction to my intense travel schedule and attendant jet lag. But as I began to  spend more time online for news, I discovered a number of time-saving tips and news sources.

Today, I would like to share some of them with you.

I typically start my day with Google News India and Google News World – this takes around 20mins.

I will then look at some of the top stories in my Google Reader and quickly glance through about two dozen blogs that I follow – time spent between 10 – 20mins.

News Sources

Sometime during the day I will also try and look at my collection of news stories on Alltop and take a quick look at iVarta; time taken between 10 – 20mins

About 2-4 times a day (depending on how busy I am), I will look at some of the Twitter feeds (for news, my favourite is; This typically takes between 20-30 mins.

Altogther, I spend between 1 – 1.5 hours on this…and just about manage to keep up to date!

I supplement my online reading with my weekly dose of news-magazines in print (usually two a week; rarely more than four).

How about you? How do you get your news? And what is your favourite time-saving tip to help stay abreast of latest developments? Comments, thoughts and suggestions welcome.

B Shantanu

Political Activist, Blogger, Advisor to start-ups, Seed investor. One time VC and ex-Diplomat. Failed mushroom farmer; ex Radio Jockey. Currently involved in Reclaiming India - One Step at a Time.

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12 Responses

  1. AdityaNayak says:

    I usually keep an NDTV latest headlines widget open on my igoogle. So I get to keep in touch with the latest news.

    Besides, I rely on blogs for my more important news while twitter is great for breaking news.

    Although, I have also stopped seeing News channels, I do make it a point to watch the Big Fight by Barkha Dutt. And also, read the editorials in ht to get to know some opinions.

  2. I generally use twitter and google reader…

    do not trust media esp English Media of NDTV, IBN…

  3. Dirt Digger says:

    I listen to Akash Vani daily 🙂
    What is TV, Twitter?

  4. Bharat says:


    Wikipedia is also a good site for non biased news.


  5. Prakash says:

    I read Daily Telegraph online and BBC on TV for UK News. For Indian News, I read TOI, and about one in 10 times, daily pioneer. I watch NDTV for Indian news, and often, to get a more ‘exciting’ take on matters, Star News.

    The channels that I would really like to recommend are France 24 (number 513 on sky), and RT News (Russian Channel, number 512 on sky). If one really wishes to get a view from all angles, these two channels will help one do that quickly.

  6. Gyan says:

    How do you follow news on twitter? I am sorry, I am not able to make out!

  7. half an hour of TV news while relaxing

    Google news

    and then Google reader for blog updates

  8. B Shantanu says:

    Thanks all for sahring your thoughts and suggestions…

    Prakash: You may find it worthwhile to switch your ToI/Pioneer ratio the other way around.

    Gyan: To follow “news” on Twitter, follow centerofright.

    P.S. DD: AkaashVani is so ignored that they may actually be the only “independent” news source in India at the moment!

  9. Milind says:

    News from, couple of blogs (yours being one). I do watch selected video clips from Although most of the english media is biased, I must admit that few programs/shows of IBNLive are worth a watch – like – Citizens journalist, Real Heroes, Zindagi live.
    Shantanu – you mentioned that you read couple of print magazines – can you please list them?.

  10. Prakash says:

    Hi Shantanu, thanks for your suggestion.

    I have a look at Pioneer just to check if there is some news item that other front pages have missed intentionally or otherwise. The frontpage of pioneer has only about 5-10 items, one of them has been Related to Raja for last few months or perhaps, years. Almost any other newspaper in India has more items. On your reco, I will have a look twice a week instead of once.


  11. B Shantanu says:

    @Milind: The print magazines I tend to look at are (in no particular order) TIME, India Today, Outlook and Covert…

    Any other suggestions?


    Thanks Prakash

  12. milind says:

    Thanks Shantanu. I used to read India Today a lot earlier.. May be its time to subscribe 🙂
