How the humble “Tulsi” might just save the Taj

Discovered this while looking for something else over the weekend:

Tulsi to ‘insulate’ the Taj Mahal

Lucknow: Tulsi, known for its medicinal qualities, will now help protect the Taj Mahal from environmental pollution. In an exercise being undertaken by the Uttar Pradesh Forest Department and the Lucknow-based Organic India, a million tulsi saplings will be planted near the marble mausoleum.

A spokesman for the company said it is one of the best plants to purify the environment. It cleanses as it releases high amounts of oxygen, which minimises the adverse impact of industrial and refinery emission. Zonal Forest Conservator R.P. Bharti said planting had been taken up on a big scale.

Somewhat related posts:

Haldi’s medicinal properties

Turmeric and Cancer Treatment

and if you want to be provoked: Is the Taj Mahal the biggest whitewash in Indian History?

B Shantanu

Political Activist, Blogger, Advisor to start-ups, Seed investor. One time VC and ex-Diplomat. Failed mushroom farmer; ex Radio Jockey. Currently involved in Reclaiming India - One Step at a Time.

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3 Responses

  1. bharathaSarathy says:

    Sorry Shantanuji, I don’t see this even as poetic justice as Tulsi to ‘insulate’ Taj Mahal, instead I see as ‘insult’ to Tulsi. The holy Tulsi is grown reverentially, only at the frontyard (not even at the backyard) as a mark of devotion and respect. Instead of Tulsi, they should grow Vilva tree at least as an offering to Shiva of this Tejomahalaya! What is so ‘humble’ about it, using Tulsi to save Taj is nothing but another act of ‘societal stockholm syndrome’!

  2. VoP says:

    bharathasarathy ji,
    On the other hand, I see this as symbolic reclamation of Tejomahalaya. Hopefully one day, when those closed doors are opened the Truth will be revealed. Tulsi or Vilva I have a strange feeling that SICKulars may be getting disturbed, someone from mullah clan will make noise and then this will take a different spin! Just extrapolating trends here.

  3. Kanchan says:

    I agree with bharathaSarathy!!