When will we have our own media channel?

I continue to feel very frustrated that in spite of the massive explosion in media and TV channels in India, there still is not a single channel (or a newspaper – although Pioneer and Indian Express come close) that articulates the right of centre viewpoint on developments in India and around the world..


Came across this report Al Jazeera is poised to put on global face“by Hassan Fattah (Pg 16, IHT, Nov 14 ’06 ) and felt even more worried and frustrated…


Interestingly, “When it (Al Jazeera International) goes live, the new channel will have access to 40m homes, most of them outside Europe and the US” (that sounds like Asia to me…as you would know, it is already offered by several cable operators in India…while “most operators (in US) have decide against adding it to their offerings.


In the meantime, British staff in the channel have apparently been given lessons on how to behave in a Muslim country ! (see Evening Standard, Pg 22, 14th Nov ’06, Britons at Al-Jazeera TV station rapped for ‘drinking binges’). 

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