A Search for the Historical Krishna

A Search for the Historical Krishna
Dr. N. S. Rajaram

The following is a section from a long article called “A Search for the Historical Krishna” by Dr N. S. Rajaram, which precedes his upcoming book which will be of the same title. Dr N. S. Rajaram was a former engineer at NASA, a field which he subsequently left to study ancient civilisations. He has authored a number of scholarly and polemic works. He is widely respected in his field – although his conclusions are by no means universally accepted. Dr Rajaram has also invited hostility from some academics – although they tend to engage in personal attacks rather than refuting his ideas. I have witnessed Dr. Rajaram engage in a public debate and also presenting his research papers, and his work is clearly well researched. This subject, of the dating of the life of Shri Krishna is not a settled subject, although scholars tend to converge on two dates (c.3100 BCE or c.1500 BCE). This article articulated some of the evidence in favour of the former.


History or Myth?

As we go on to celebrate another Sri Krishna-janmashthami, here is a question of interest to all of us: was Krishna a historical figure, or is he just a myth created to fill a void in the Hindu soul? As the most admired and adored figure in the Hindu pantheon, Krishna occupies a unique place in Indian history and tradition. Known since time immemorial as a Yadava prince of the house of Vrishni, and the son of Vasudeva and Devaki, most Hindus have accepted Krishna an avatar or incarnation of Lord Vishnu. But now, in keeping with the spirit of the scientific age in which we live, many people – including Hindus – want to know if he really existed.

This is not a new phenomenon: the question of his historicity has engaged the attention of scholars for nearly two centuries, ever since European scholars began to study India, questioning every belief that the Hindus had held for millennia. They concluded – and their Indian followers faithfully accepted – that Krishna was a myth. In reality, it was a preconceived answer, which they sought to justify by giving it an appearance of scholarship. But in these articles I will present evidence to show that Krishna was indeed a historical figure who lived about 5000 years ago.Since the life and career of Krishna lie within the century or so described in the great historical epic Mahabharata, if we can demonstrate the historicity of the characters and the principal episodes of the epic, we will essentially have established Krishna’s historicity also.

And the same goes for the date: once we know the dates of the principal events in the Mahabharata, like the War, we automatically have an approximate date for Krishna. If, on the basis of our search, we can ascertain the existence of Krishna, and arrive also at an approximate date for him, we are justified in regarding him as a historical figure. The approach that I follow is inspired by the work Sri Krishna Charitra written more than a century ago by the great Bengali author Bankima Chandra Chatterji, supplemented by archaeological and other research that has come to light up to our own time. The topics presented in these articles are discussed in greater detail in my forthcoming book, Search for the Historical Krishna.

Evidence for Krishna
According to Indian sources, Krishna was a Vedic figure. He was a younger contemporary of Krishna-dvaipayana – or ‘Krishna of the Island’ – better known as Veda Vyasa – who by tradition was responsible for the organization of Vedic hymns into their four fold division, the form in which we know them today. He is also by tradition the author of the earliest version of the Mahabharata. It is worth noting that the names of some of the characters of the period are found in the literature of the period and also on some Harappan seals that Jha and I have deciphered. For example, words like Paila (Vyasa’s pupil), Akrura (Krishna’s friend), Vrishni (Krishna’s clan), Yadu (Krishna’s ancestor), Sritirtha (old name for Dwaraka) are found on seals, some of which may go back five thousand years.

The greatest barrier to a rational study of ancient Indian history continues to be a nineteenth century colonial fiction known as the Aryan invasion of India. When the ruins of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro were discovered about 70 years ago, this was followed by a new piece of fiction known as the Aryan-Dravidian wars. Science has now fully discredited both. We now know that the Harappan Civilization came at the end of the Vedic Age. I will not go into their details here, but only mention that in these articles I totally ignore both the Aryan invasion and the idea of the Harappan Civilization as Dravidian, unrelated to Vedic. (See my book The Politics of History, Chapter 1. For a more detailed exposition.)

Panini, the great grammarian mentions several Mahabharata characers including Vasudeva(Krishna), Arjuna, Nakula, Kunti and others. We find the names of Mahabharata characters in Vedic literature — Vicitravirya in Kathaka Samhita; Sikhandin Yajnasena in Kaushitaki Brahmana; Janamejaya the grandson of Abhimanyu in Aitareya Brahmana; and Pariksita in Shatapatha Brahmana. And the list is far from exhaustive.Among Buddhist works Kunala Jataka mentions Krishnaa (i.e., Draupadi) in addition to Bhimasena, Arjuna, Nakula, Sahadeva and Yudhittila (Pali for Yudhisthira). Dhananjaya of the Kuru race (Arjuna) and Draupadi Svayamvara are referred to in Dhumakari Jataka. The same work refers also to Yudhisthira as an ancestor of the Kurus of Indapattana (i.e., Indraprastha) and also to Vidurapandita. In addition to these Mahabharata characters, Krishna himself is mentioned in Buddhist works such as Sutrapitaka and Lalitavistara. These works are often hostile to Krishna and his teachings, but the very fact they found it necessary to try to discredit him (and his teachings) shows that he was accepted as a historical figure even by them. They did not try to deny his historical existence.

Returning to the late Vedic literature, one of the most interesting references to Krishna is to be found in the ancient Chandogya Upanishad. It goes (my translation):”Ghora of the Angirasas spoke thus to Krishna, son of Devaki (Krishna Devaki-putra) – “Hearing your words I too am now free of thirst.” And till the end of life he sought refuge in these three principles: “Thou art indestructible (akshita). Thou art eternal (acyuta). Thou art the flow of life (prana samhita).”Krishna Devaki-putra is of course Krishna of the Mahabharata. It is worth noting that Krishna studied the Vedas under Ghora of the Angirasa clan, who seems to have inspired Krishna to develop ideas that later went into the Bhagavadgita. The Gita is essentially a summary of the Upanishads combined with the rationalism of the Sankhya philosophy. No less remarkable is the fact that there is a reference to this episode – of Ghora providing the seed of the Gita – on one of the Harappan seals. The message is ‘ghorah datah dvayuh varcah’ – meaning ‘Two essences given by Ghora’, the two essences being the Upanishads (Vedanta) and Sankhya. So in the third millennium BC, Ghora was recognized as the inspirer of this synthesis of Vedanta and Sankhya effected by Krishna in the Bhagavadgita.

The important thing to note is that unlike the Harivamsha or the Bhagavata, these works – the Upanishads, the Jatakas, the Sutras or the Brahmanas – are not part of the historical tradition and had therefore no reason to use these names except familiarity. With such profuse references to Krishna and other Mahabharata characters in so many unrelated works of diverse kinds, written in different periods, there cannot be the slightest doubt that they refer to historical characters in a historical era. What remains now is to fix an approximate date for Krishna or the Mahabharata War.Krishna’s dateTraditional scholars have always held that Kaliyuga – the Age of Kali – began in 3102 BC. Whether this refers to the date of the eighteen-day Mahabharata War or of the death of Krishna is unclear and also I feel unimportant at this time. This results in a discrepancy of about 35 years between the two, which is small in comparison with the very great age of the events we are speaking about. Several astronomers and astrologers of great eminence have attempted to arrive at the date based on astronomical references found in the epics. Professor K. Srinivasaraghavan, perhaps the foremost authority on the topic, has even determined November 22, 3067 BC as the day on which the Mahabharata War took place, but this assumes that ancient astronomical observations are exact which I chose to avoid. I am not suggesting they are wrong, only that I prefer to be conservative.

Some scholars reject such an early date as c. 3100 on the ground that the Aryans came to India only in 1500 BC, and Krishna and the Mahabharata War must therefore be later. As noted the Aryan invasion theory has been discredited by science. Also, our decipherment of Harappan and pre-Harappan scripts has taken the Vedas to long before 3500 BC. So these objections can be dismissed. The one arguable issue is the discovery of an ancient submerged city at the island of Bet Dwaraka by the renowned archaeologist S.R. Rao. Rao, who identifies it with Krishna’s Dwaraka dates it to about 1500 BC. But his identification rests on insufficient grounds based on ambiguous literary interpretations. In any event, the historical references in the deciphered Harappan seals, some of which are over a thousand years older than 1500 BC make it impossible that the site found by Rao is Krishna’s Dwaraka. We can next look at Krishna’s date, from two different directions.Since Ashvalayana mentions the Mahabharata and its authors Jaimini and Vaisampayana as ancient, at least a century must have elapsed between the War and his time. He records that in his time plants sprouted after the beginning of monsoon rains in the Hindu month of Bhadrapada. This now takes place in Jyestha or Ashadha. This goes to show that the monsoon in his time used to start in the month of Sravana instead of Jyestha as it does today – a difference of about seventy days. This is due to a well-known astronomical phenomenon called the ‘precession of the equinoxes’. Seasons fall back relative to the fixed stars (and the Hindu calendar which is based on the fixed stars) by about one day every 72 years.

What this means is that the beginning of monsoon noted by Ashvalayana must have been taking place close to 5000 years ago or about 3000 BC.Further, Ashvalayana pays homage to his teacher Kahola Kaushitaki who was the sage of the Kaushitaki Brahmana. It mentions several Mahabharata characters. It also mentions that the winter solstice – as the first day of winter is called – took place on the day on which we now celebrate the Maha-Shivaratri festival. The winter solstice now falls on December 21, and the Maha-Shivaratri comes around March 1. This is due to the precession of the equinoxes. This again means that from the time of Kahola Kausitaki, the seasons have moved by about 70 days. So, 70 times 72 or about 5000 years must have passed. This also supports a date of about 3100 BC for the Mahabharata War.

Amazingly, we even have Greek records pointing to the same approximate date. Greek travelers who came to India following Alexander’s invasion have left us some tantalizing references to Krishna and also to Indian historical records as they existed in their time. Authors like Pliny referred to Krishna as Heracles, derived from Hari-Krishna. They record that the Indian Heracles – our Krishna – was held in special honor by the Sourseni tribe one of whose major cities was Methora. We can recognize them as Shuraseni and Mathura. (Shura was the father of Vasudeva and the grandfather of Krishna.)

Indian Heracles (Krishna) is recorded by the Greeks as having lived 138 generations before the time of Alexander and Sandracottos which we may take to be c. 330 BC. Taking 20 years per generation, which is known to be a good average when ancient Indian dynasties are involved, we are led to the computation 2760 + 330 = 3090 BC which is remarkably close to the Kali date of 3102 BC. So a reckoning based on ancient Greek records takes us again to the traditional date of c. 3100 BC.In summary, we may safely conclude that technical and literary evidence from several independent sources point to the traditional Kali date of 3102 BC as being close to the actual date of the Mahabharata War. We have therefore overwhelming evidence showing that Krishna was a historical figure who must have lived within a century on either side of that date, i.e., in the 3200-3000 BC period.

Note (Jan ’21): Unfortunately, I have not been able to locate the full article on the web. If you come across the original, pl share the link in comments below.


Another related and interesting newsitem, “The Legend of Dwaraka” (T R Gopaalkrushnan) which was the cover story of “The Week”, June 1, 2003. Read at http://www.the-week.com/23june01/cover.htm

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7 Responses

  1. ashok pandey says:

    When we are trying to figure out the existence and validity of Mahabharata and Ramayana we are really trying to unearth something which is beyond our capacity. Some times we find ourselves so near to the discovery and again we are thrown away by science and date and chronology of events.
    Just like the theory of relativity of Einstein helped man kind understand so many facts about the hypothesis about creation, life, and speed about it.
    Similarly to understand India, their ancient knowledge and wisdom, and their near real chronology one needs to jump to another platform.
    today is like another birth of mankind ,including Aryans, old stone age, Egyptian empire ,BC etc.,….but before this birth of world in this same geographical place man lived and events occurred and knowledge existed which were passed on to the people of this world (by miracle, mediation or by some thing else)
    Imagine if there was no Ramayana and no Krishna…then 1000 years back when no transport, no newspaper, no radio, no same kingdom, no same community of people etc etc..
    We have a clear picture of locations, mathura, ayodhya, dwarka, lanka etc..all thousand kilometers apart in detail perspective, we have the Adams bridge …people couldn’t have written stories and created proof or shouldn’t have had proof and so elegantly and accurately passed on the knowledge and facts to people miles apart separated by distance and other hindrances.
    Our predicament of position of stars(without gadgets) knowledge of medicines, astrology and palmistry and scholarship in human sciences all leaves us in mystery.

    There is another dimension to the existence of mankind which we haven’t seeked to know.
    Imagine the whole world gets destroyed today and the land remains…and man kind again develops from their prototypes into knowledgeable beings as in today. then they may gain knowledge of us as gods who flew in the air , could talk with each other kilometers away, travel to another planet, our magnificent building skills and our near to close locations of existence (through divine interference or logical conclusions by digging information)

  2. Dr Madhukar Ambekar says:

    New finds take archaeologists closer to Krishna

    CHENNAI: The conch and the Sudarshana Chakra are unmistakable. Although the figures do not match popular images of Kirshna sporting a peacock feather, archaeologists are convinced that the coins are of Krishna, revered as an avatar of Vishnu.

    “These square coins, dating back to 180- BC, with Krishna on one side and Balram on the other, were unearthed recently in Al Khanoun in Afghanistan and are the earliest proof that Krishna was venerated as a god, and that the worship had spread beyond the Mathura region,” says T K V Rajan, archaeologist and founder-director, Indian Science Monitor, who is holding a five-day exhibition, In search of Lord Krishna,’ in the city from Saturday.

    Having done extensive research in Brindavan, Rajan is convinced that a lot of the spiritual history of ancient India lies buried. “Close to 10,000 Greeks, who came in the wake of Alexander the Great, were Krishna’s devotees. There is an inscription by Heliodorus, the Greek ambassador at Takshila , which reads Deva, deva, Vasudeva. Krishna is my god and I have installed this Garuda Pillar at Bes Nagar (now in Bihar),'” says Rajan.

    According to him the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) has unearthed many sites that throw fresh light on the era of Krishna. “ASI is expected to release the full findings next year. Many of the unearthed artifact have a close resemblance to materials of what is believed to be the Harappan civilisation. The findings may show that Krishna’s life was the dividing line between India’s spiritual history and the society’s gradual shift towards a materialistic one,” says Rajan.

    Interestingly, a lot of what has been uncovered closely resemble the narration in the texts of Mahabharatha and the Bhagavatham,” he adds. Both the spiritual works are revered by the Hindus as their holy books.

    It has been over five years since the discoveries were made at Tholavira near Dwaraka, close to Kutch. Much progress has been made due to the application of thermoluminous study (TL) in ascertaining the age of artifact. “It is possible to get the diffusion of atomic particles in the clay pottery unearthed and arrive at an accurate date,” points out Rajan. Tholavira itself is believed to be the capital city as detailed in the opening chapters of Bhagavatham. Rajan points to an image of a plough, made of wood, which is mentioned in the Bhagavatham.

    The findings could lay a trail to understanding Krishna’s life (said to be 5,000 years ago) and times, as a historical fact, says Rajan. The exhibition will be open till December 31 at Sri Parvathy Gallery, Eldams Road.

  3. Kishore says:

    Recently a documentary was released that unravelled many evidences on existence of Lord Krishna and Kurukshetra war. It is a short 34-minute
    film and its title is “Krishna: History or Myth.”

    It is available to watch for free on Internet: http://www.saraswatifilms.org/movies.php.

    Dr Manish Pandit, a nuclear medicine scientist, an indologist, and now a filmmaker, directed and produced this documentary.
    He made this film out of passion to show these evidences to the world on Mahabaharata. These evidences are results of several researchers.
    It is an excellent opportunity to watch those facts that you are discussing here on Krishna and Mahabharata.

    Krishna: History or Myth from Saraswati Films on Vimeo.


  4. B Shantanu says:

    *** Content below, courtesy an email forwarded by Sh Gopi Maliwal-ji ***
    Additional references most welcome.

    महाभारत के बाद से आधुनिक काल …तक के सभी राजाओं का विवरण क्रमवार तरीके से नीचे प्रस्तुत किया जा रहा है…!

    आपको यह जानकर एक बहुत ही आश्चर्य मिश्रित ख़ुशी होगी कि महाभारत युद्ध के पश्चात् राजा युधिष्ठिर की 30 पीढ़ियों ने 1770 वर्ष 11 माह 10 दिन तक राज्य किया था….. जिसका पूरा विवरण इस प्रकार है :
    क्र………………. शासक का नाम………. वर्ष….माह.. दिन

    1. राजा युधिष्ठिर (Raja Yudhisthir)….. 36…. 08…. 25
    2 राजा परीक्षित (Raja Parikshit)…….. 60…. 00….. 00
    3 राजा जनमेजय (Raja Janmejay)…. 84…. 07…… 23
    4 अश्वमेध (Ashwamedh )…………….. 82…..08….. 22
    5 द्वैतीयरम (Dwateeyram )…………… 88…. 02……08
    6 क्षत्रमाल (Kshatramal)………………. 81…. 11….. 27
    7 चित्ररथ (Chitrarath)…………………. 75……03…..18
    8 दुष्टशैल्य (Dushtashailya)…………… 75…..10…….24
    9 राजा उग्रसेन (Raja Ugrasain)……… 78…..07…….21
    10 राजा शूरसेन (Raja Shoorsain)…….78….07……..21
    11 भुवनपति (Bhuwanpati)…………….69….05…….05
    12 रणजीत (Ranjeet)…………………….65….10……04
    13 श्रक्षक (Shrakshak)…………………..64…..07……04
    14 सुखदेव (Sukhdev)……………………62….00…….24
    15 नरहरिदेव (Narharidev)……………..51…..10…….02
    16 शुचिरथ (Suchirath)…………………42……11…….02
    17 शूरसेन द्वितीय (Shoorsain II)……..58…..10…….08
    18 पर्वतसेन (Parvatsain )………………55…..08…….10
    19 मेधावी (Medhawi)……………………52…..10……10
    20 सोनचीर (Soncheer)…………………50…..08…….21
    21 भीमदेव (Bheemdev)………………..47……09…….20
    22 नरहिरदेव द्वितीय (Nraharidev II)…45…..11…….23
    23 पूरनमाल (Pooranmal)………………44…..08…….07
    24 कर्दवी (Kardavi)………………………44…..10……..08
    25 अलामामिक (Alamamik)……………50….11……..08
    26 उदयपाल (Udaipal)…………………..38….09……..00
    27 दुवानमल (Duwanmal)………………40….10…….26
    28 दामात (Damaat)……………………..32….00…….00
    29 भीमपाल (Bheempal)……………….58….05……..08
    30 क्षेमक (Kshemak)……………………48….11……..21

    इसके बाद ….क्षेमक के प्रधानमन्त्री विश्व ने क्षेमक का वध करके राज्य को अपने अधिकार में कर लिया और उसकी 14 पीढ़ियों ने 500 वर्ष 3 माह 17 दिन तक राज्य किया जिसका विरवरण नीचे दिया जा रहा है।

    क्र. शासक का नाम वर्ष माह दिन

    1 विश्व (Vishwa)……………………. 17 3 29
    2 पुरसेनी (Purseni)………………… 42 8 21
    3 वीरसेनी (Veerseni)……………… 52 10 07
    4 अंगशायी (Anangshayi)……….. 47 08 23
    5 हरिजित (Harijit)……………….. 35 09 17
    6 परमसेनी (Paramseni)…………. 44 02 23
    7 सुखपाताल (Sukhpatal)……… 30 02 21
    8 काद्रुत (Kadrut)………………. 42 09 24
    9 सज्ज (Sajj)…………………… 32 02 14
    10 आम्रचूड़ (Amarchud)……… 27 03 16
    11 अमिपाल (Amipal) ………….22 11 25
    12 दशरथ (Dashrath)…………… 25 04 12
    13 वीरसाल (Veersaal)……………31 08 11
    14 वीरसालसेन (Veersaalsen)…….47 0 14

    इसके उपरांत…राजा वीरसालसेन के प्रधानमन्त्री वीरमाह ने वीरसालसेन का वध करके राज्य को अपने अधिकार में कर लिया और उसकी 16 पीढ़ियों ने 445 वर्ष 5 माह 3 दिन तक राज्य किया जिसका विरवरण नीचे दिया जा रहा है।

    क्र. शासक का नाम वर्ष माह दिन

    1 राजा वीरमाह (Raja Veermaha)……… 35 10 8
    2 अजितसिंह (Ajitsingh)…………………. 27 7 19
    3 सर्वदत्त (Sarvadatta)……………………..28 3 10
    4 भुवनपति (Bhuwanpati)……………….15 4 10
    5 वीरसेन (Veersen)……………………….21 2 13
    6 महिपाल (Mahipal)……………………….40 8 7
    7 शत्रुशाल (Shatrushaal)…………………26 4 3
    8 संघराज (Sanghraj)……………………17 2 10
    9 तेजपाल (Tejpal)…………………….28 11 10
    10 मानिकचंद (Manikchand)…………37 7 21
    11 कामसेनी (Kamseni)………………42 5 10
    12 शत्रुमर्दन (Shatrumardan)……….8 11 13
    13 जीवनलोक (Jeevanlok)………….28 9 17
    14 हरिराव (Harirao)………………….26 10 29
    15 वीरसेन द्वितीय (Veersen II)……..35 2 20
    16 आदित्यकेतु (Adityaketu)……….23 11 13

    ततपश्चात् प्रयाग के राजा धनधर ने आदित्यकेतु का वध करके उसके राज्य को अपने अधिकार में कर लिया और उसकी 9 पीढ़ी ने 374 वर्ष 11 माह 26 दिन तक राज्य किया जिसका विवरण इस प्रकार है ..

    क्र. शासक का नाम वर्ष माह दिन

    1 राजा धनधर (Raja Dhandhar)………..23 11 13
    2 महर्षि (Maharshi)………………………….41 2 29
    3 संरछि (Sanrachhi)……………………….50 10 19
    4 महायुध (Mahayudha)…………………….30 3 8
    5 दुर्नाथ (Durnath)………………………….28 5 25
    6 जीवनराज (Jeevanraj)…………………..45 2 5
    7 रुद्रसेन (Rudrasen)……………………..47 4 28
    8 आरिलक (Aarilak)……………………..52 10 8
    9 राजपाल (Rajpal)…………………………36 0 0

    उसके बाद …सामन्त महानपाल ने राजपाल का वध करके 14 वर्ष तक राज्य किया। अवन्तिका (वर्तमान उज्जैन) के विक्रमादित्य ने महानपाल का वध करके 93 वर्ष तक राज्य किया। विक्रमादित्य का वध समुद्रपाल ने किया और उसकी 16 पीढ़ियों ने 372 वर्ष 4 माह 27 दिन तक राज्य किया !
    जिसका विवरण नीचे दिया जा रहा है।

    क्र. शासक का नाम वर्ष माह दिन

    1 समुद्रपाल (Samudrapal)………….54 2 20
    2 चन्द्रपाल (Chandrapal)…………….36 5 4
    3 सहपाल (Sahaypal)……………….11 4 11
    4 देवपाल (Devpal)…………………27 1 28
    5 नरसिंहपाल (Narsighpal)………18 0 20
    6 सामपाल (Sampal)……………27 1 17
    7 रघुपाल (Raghupal)………..22 3 25
    8 गोविन्दपाल (Govindpal)……..27 1 17
    9 अमृतपाल (Amratpal)………36 10 13
    10 बालिपाल (Balipal)………12 5 27
    11 महिपाल (Mahipal)………..13 8 4
    12 हरिपाल (Haripal)……….14 8 4
    13 सीसपाल (Seespal)…….11 10 13
    14 मदनपाल (Madanpal)……17 10 19
    15 कर्मपाल (Karmpal)……..16 2 2
    16 विक्रमपाल (Vikrampal)…..24 11 13

    टिप : कुछ ग्रंथों में सीसपाल के स्थान पर भीमपाल का उल्लेख मिलता है, सम्भव है कि उसके दो नाम रहे हों।

    इसके उपरांत …..विक्रमपाल ने पश्चिम में स्थित राजा मालकचन्द बोहरा के राज्य पर आक्रमण कर दिया जिसमे मालकचन्द बोहरा की विजय हुई और विक्रमपाल मारा गया। मालकचन्द बोहरा की 10 पीढ़ियों ने 191 वर्ष 1 माह 16 दिन तक राज्य किया जिसका विवरण नीचे दिया जा रहा है।

    क्र. शासक का नाम वर्ष माह दिन

    1 मालकचन्द (Malukhchand) 54 2 10
    2 विक्रमचन्द (Vikramchand) 12 7 12
    3 मानकचन्द (Manakchand) 10 0 5
    4 रामचन्द (Ramchand) 13 11 8
    5 हरिचंद (Harichand) 14 9 24
    6 कल्याणचन्द (Kalyanchand) 10 5 4
    7 भीमचन्द (Bhimchand) 16 2 9
    8 लोवचन्द (Lovchand) 26 3 22
    9 गोविन्दचन्द (Govindchand) 31 7 12
    10 रानी पद्मावती (Rani Padmavati) 1 0 0

    रानी पद्मावती गोविन्दचन्द की पत्नी थीं। कोई सन्तान न होने के कारण पद्मावती ने हरिप्रेम वैरागी को सिंहासनारूढ़ किया जिसकी पीढ़ियों ने 50 वर्ष 0 माह 12 दिन तक राज्य किया !
    जिसका विवरण नीचे दिया जा रहा है।

    क्र. शासक का नाम वर्ष माह दिन

    1 हरिप्रेम (Hariprem) 7 5 16
    2 गोविन्दप्रेम (Govindprem) 20 2 8
    3 गोपालप्रेम (Gopalprem) 15 7 28
    4 महाबाहु (Mahabahu) 6 8 29

    इसके बाद…….राजा महाबाहु ने सन्यास ले लिया । इस पर बंगाल के अधिसेन ने उसके राज्य पर आक्रमण कर अधिकार जमा लिया। अधिसेन की 12 पीढ़ियों ने 152 वर्ष 11 माह 2 दिन तक राज्य किया जिसका विवरण नीचे दिया जा रहा है।

    क्र. शासक का नाम वर्ष माह दिन

    1 अधिसेन (Adhisen) 18 5 21
    2 विल्वसेन (Vilavalsen) 12 4 2
    3 केशवसेन (Keshavsen) 15 7 12
    4 माधवसेन (Madhavsen) 12 4 2
    5 मयूरसेन (Mayursen) 20 11 27
    6 भीमसेन (Bhimsen) 5 10 9
    7 कल्याणसेन (Kalyansen) 4 8 21
    8 हरिसेन (Harisen) 12 0 25
    9 क्षेमसेन (Kshemsen) 8 11 15
    10 नारायणसेन (Narayansen) 2 2 29
    11 लक्ष्मीसेन (Lakshmisen) 26 10 0
    12 दामोदरसेन (Damodarsen) 11 5 19

    लेकिन जब ….दामोदरसेन ने उमराव दीपसिंह को प्रताड़ित किया तो दीपसिंह ने सेना की सहायता से दामोदरसेन का वध करके राज्य पर अधिकार कर लिया तथा उसकी 6 पीढ़ियों ने 107 वर्ष 6 माह 22 दिन तक राज्य किया जिसका विवरण नीचे दिया जा रहा है।

    क्र. शासक का नाम वर्ष माह दिन

    1 दीपसिंह (Deepsingh) 17 1 26
    2 राजसिंह (Rajsingh) 14 5 0
    3 रणसिंह (Ransingh) 9 8 11
    4 नरसिंह (Narsingh) 45 0 15
    5 हरिसिंह (Harisingh) 13 2 29
    6 जीवनसिंह (Jeevansingh) 8 0 1

    पृथ्वीराज चौहान ने जीवनसिंह पर आक्रमण करके तथा उसका वध करके राज्य पर अधिकार प्राप्त कर लिया। पृथ्वीराज चौहान की 5 पीढ़ियों ने 86 वर्ष 0 माह 20 दिन तक राज्य किया जिसका विवरण नीचे दिया जा रहा है।
    क्र. शासक का नाम वर्ष माह दिन

    1 पृथ्वीराज (Prathviraj) 12 2 19
    2 अभयपाल (Abhayapal) 14 5 17
    3 दुर्जनपाल (Durjanpal) 11 4 14
    4 उदयपाल (Udayapal) 11 7 3
    5 यशपाल (Yashpal) 36 4 27

    विक्रम संवत 1249 (1193 AD) में मोहम्मद गोरी ने यशपाल पर आक्रमण कर उसे प्रयाग के कारागार में डाल दिया और उसके राज्य को अधिकार में ले लिया।

    उपरोक्त जानकारी http://www.hindunet.org/ से साभार ली गई है जहाँ पर इस जानकारी का स्रोत स्वामी दयानन्द सरस्वती के सत्यार्थ प्रकाश ग्रंथ, चित्तौड़गढ़ राजस्थान से प्रकाशित पत्रिका हरिशचन्द्रिका और मोहनचन्द्रिका के विक्रम संवत1939 के अंक और कुछ अन्य संस्कृत ग्रंथों को बताया गया है।
    साभार ….जी.के. अवधिया |


  5. Rakesh Bhatt says:

    Thanks a trillion for writing/sharing such a fact based article,conforming the historical existence of Shri krishna.
    Such information helps in shaping the minds of Individuals who intern change the trajectory of National consciousness.

  6. B Shantanu says:

    Related: Why “Itihaasa” means “History” by Koenraad Elst, February 11, 2023 from which this brief excerpt:

    “So… Seth asks: “How can we respond to our critics and to those who mock us as ‘ahistorical’ nonentities?”

    Answer: By telling the truth about yourself. Next to the pioneering contributions of India in geometry, calculus, astronomy, hydraulic technology, etc., and its unique foundational work in linguistics, it ought not to be insurmountably difficult to practise modesty and face the fact that India was less than average in history-writing. Its clumsy history-writing nonetheless goes deeper into the past than that of any other country, which is not bad at all, but its absolutely chronology is indeed disappointingly vague. What would you want? Only Allah is perfect.

    But the fact that Indian epics are something else than history manuals, that on top of a historical foundation they built a literary masterpiece including fanciful and mythological elements as well as profound philosophical teachings, that is not something in need of special justifications, let alone self-deprecating apologies. Arise, Arjuna!”