Category: Enviroment Related

Midweek Readings

Rajeev Srinivasan and Abhishek Puri recently wrote a piece for Open on “The New Knowledge War on why Indic scholars and AI experts (and enthusiasts) need to be alert to the risks posed by unrepresentative...

What I read (& found interesting) last week…

This week I am going to be lazy and so you will just have to do with a collections of interesting articles/tweets from the last two weeks. Noah Smith has a blog series running...

Global Carbon Emissions

Global Carbon Emissions… Of the major emitters shown in Figure 7, only India is set to have national per capita consumption emissions within the 1.5?C-compatible per capita level in 2030… Source:

Humdrum, boring and so very unsexy..

When I think about water, I wonder why this topic does not get more attention. But I guess I should not be surprised. Water is humdrum; so very unsexy. There is nothing titillating about...

Becoming “lukewarm” about Global Warming

Thanks to my friend and FTI colleague Sanjeev Sabhlok for this excerpt. It comes from a speech by Matt Radley that Sanjeev has posted in full (emphasis added). …. Now before you all rush for...