A brief note on “Comments”…

Dear All: Over the past few weeks, I have noticed an increasing number of comments that are:

  1. posted on the wrong thread (pl use the “Search” box at the bottom of the page to find the appropriate thread or use the “Categories” drop down menu);
  2. irrelevant (pl note that comments not relevant to the thread will be deleted straight-away);
  3. abusive or crossing the line of public decency/ defamation (these too will be deleted without notice);
  4. merely repeating what has been said by others before (likely to be deleted without notice unless a new perspective is being explored)

Such comments will almost always be deleted without notice.

Pl note I am no longer accepting comments on some of the earlier posts. This would usually be because most points have been made or the content/perspective has been over-taken by subsequent events/facts. I am now being far more “selective” in deciding which comments to approve and which to delete. Note that this is entirely at my discretion and is is a subjective decision.

Note that I reserve the right to edit/ modify/ delete any/all comments at any time without providing any reason, solely at my discretion – including comments made in the past.  Please take a few minutes to read my comments policy (scroll to the bottom of the page), if you have not done so already.

If you are commenting here for the first time, your comment will appear only after it is approved (approval may take a few days depending on how busy I am). Subsequent comments will appear immediately after posting, without pre-approval or moderation.  If you wish to write to me, send an email to JaiDharma AT gmail.com. Pl note I may not be able to respond/reply to all your queries.

The blog has a rich set of views, references, points, counter-points and links. Pl make full use of them. Thanks. जय हिंद, जय भारत! – शांतनु

Related: Legal Disclaimer and the Comments at the bottom of the page

P.S. This blog is NOT RELATED to the Satyamev Jayate show on TV

B Shantanu

Political Activist, Blogger, Advisor to start-ups, Seed investor. One time VC and ex-Diplomat. Failed mushroom farmer; ex Radio Jockey. Currently involved in Reclaiming India - One Step at a Time.

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