The Rebirth of Hope!

Long time readers of this blog will remember my attempts going back several years aimed at bringing together groups and individuals involved in political & systemic reform in India. These attempts were best captured in the Hope Summit which was planned for January 2010, but got cancelled. It was rescheduled for Apr 2010 but unfortunately got cancelled a second time.

I think we are going to be third time lucky! 

In a few weeks from now, we will be unveiling the National Reform Summit in Haridwar, which hopefully will lead to a serious effort to bring like-minded groups, organisations and individuals together over the course of next few weeks. The Reform Summit will primarily focus on the “Vision” – alignment on which will be crucial for any formation/coalition to sustain. I have publicly said this several times and I continue to believe that rushing to form coalitions without at least a broad agreement on common principles is sure to cause future acrimony and public disagreements, possibly dooming any chance of working together. Agreement on the Vision, therefore is crucial. This is what the Reform Summit will be about.

Registrations to the Summit are now open..and I would personally like to invite each one of you to join us, if you can. A few more details can be found here (including the link to make payments). I am looking forward to meeting several of you on 5th April at Haridwar!

My hope is that this effort, along with the Sone Ki Chidiya movement, eventually coalesces into a “Coalition of the Willing” – a real, credible alternative to the present lot of stagnant & decaying political set-ups. Stay tuned and watch this space! Jai Hind, Jai Bharat!

Related Posts: Fixing the “system”, A story of Hope.. and Sone Ki Chidiya!

B Shantanu

Political Activist, Blogger, Advisor to start-ups, Seed investor. One time VC and ex-Diplomat. Failed mushroom farmer; ex Radio Jockey. Currently involved in Reclaiming India - One Step at a Time.

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