Please help share the love!

Those of you who read Guy Kawasaki may have read his post published last year on What I Learned from Steve Jobs. One of the sentences in that post caught my eye…and has stayed at the back of my mind ever since (emphasis added)…

…the starting point of changing the world is changing a few minds.

This is the greatest lesson of all that I learned from Steve..

A similar thought was the inspiration behind the blog – all the way back in 2004!

We have come a long way since then…Thanks to your support and constant encouragement along the way.  In late 2009, I launched the || Satyameva Jayate || page on facebook..As the fb page inches closer to the 10,000 members mark, I feel humbled..Particularly so because I don’t write about celebrity gossip, or the Hindi film industry – or cricket – or share  jokes (no offence to celebrities, Hindi film industry or cricket – or jokes!).  I don’t offer any health tips..or career advice..or investment ideas…or job-related advice…Almost nothing I write is likely to help get you a job – or help you make money. Judged by these standards, this page – and the blog – is pretty much useless. In fact, most of what I wrote is fairly disturbing – but if it provokes you to think, I believe I am doing well

On any given day of the week, the contents of this blog are being viewed by the ~10,000 members on Facebook, the ‘000s who visit the blog directly, the ~2000 who get it via email, the ~1600 who follow me on twitter..Today, I am requesting you to help spread awareness about this blog even further – among your family, friends, colleagues and acquaintances.

Share these ideas with them, help the younger ones in your family learn about the history that they may never be them understand the roots of this ancient, glorious culture and civilization to which all of us belong. Please join me in spreading the love! Share it with at least a few of your friends today. Even if each one of you shares this with just one person, we will have more than a thousand new members!

|| Satyameva Jayate || is now on the web,   on Twitter,   on Facebook …and Google+ and of course you can also choose to receive posts by email (although you may miss some interesting discussions that happen in the comments section).

Supporting || Satyameva Jayate ||

You can support me in two ways:

  • By asking your friends and others to join the page on facebook and subscribe to the blog (and of course by liking and sharing articles in your network)
  • By making a contribution to support my various activities. Please click here for more details: “How can you help?

Thank you – once again..for your continued support and encouragement throughout this journey…Thank you for keeping the dream alive…and for making it feel a lot more worthwhile..On days when it feels glum, I think of you..of the thousands of comments left on this blog – and the numerous lives it has touched…and I feel humbled, hopeful, elated and proud – all at once…For this I thank you..and I shall always be grateful. Now, let us get ready for the fight that lies ahead to “Reclaim India”…Together, we will win! Jai Hind, Jai Bharat!

Somewhat Related:  7 years and 1337 posts later, The 1000th post and a Big “Thank You”! and Now, in “Top India News” – Thanks to YOU!

B Shantanu

Political Activist, Blogger, Advisor to start-ups, Seed investor. One time VC and ex-Diplomat. Failed mushroom farmer; ex Radio Jockey. Currently involved in Reclaiming India - One Step at a Time.

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1 Response

  1. Neha maurya says:

    All the best to all of you….