Max Mueller & Correcting History: One Step at a Time

I read this interview of Dr Prodosh Aich a few months back but did not post it as I wanted to get my hands on his book. “Lies on Long Legs” is a painstakingly researched book that goes back to primary sources in an effort to find out more about the “History” of India – as we know about it today. Who were these people who “authored” this “history”? What was the basis of their interpretations? What were their intentions? What was their training? What were the factors that might have coloured their understanding and narrative? Dr Aich has attempted to answer these questions in his work.  In the interview (excerpts below), Dr Aich labels Max Mueller a “swindler” and William Jones a “fraud”. Amongst the many startling things I learnt was that Max Mueller apparently had no formal training in Sanskrit.

What Dr Aich has done – going back to the roots – reminds me of the painstaking work of Dr V S Godbole – who has gone back to the “roots” to unearth more information about Taj Mahal – which to the best of my knowledge has not been challenged so far. Sadly, his work has been completely ignored by media. I hope Dr Aich fares better. Below, some excerpts from the interview with Dr Prodosh Aich (I’ll be posting a few excerpts from the book later on). The book is available for purchase online via Samskriti.  [UPDATE: You can now read the entire book online on this link]. In the meantime, read on (emphasis mine)…

*** Excerpts begin ***

Question: Your book ‘Lies with long legs’ has recently been published. What is this about?

Answer: Whatever, we know about discoveries, scholars,  scientists, are mostly not true. For example, when you get a book today there are references and these references go back 10, 20 or 30 years. They don’t go back beyond that. On every page, one finds quotations but you will never find that a quotation has been challenged. One never checks whether that quotation is correct or not. It is just accepted. What ever is printed is accepted.

Q: So every word is taken as a gospel?

A: No, not as a gospel. It has been accepted in the academic world. And if you have 20 books on one subject, you can be sure that there would be another 20 books on the same subject but with almost same references. They will never go back to roots. What, I have done.  I have tried to question. I  put , to start with, a simple question. “Well you are telling me this. How do you know that it is true”? Then I look into the bibliography of these books…

Q: So, you have done a research on India?

A: No,  that is not correct. As a matter of fact, I have not done any research. I wanted to know, who are these Aryans, Indo-Europeans and Indo-Germans and then tried to find out answers in the reference books and literature…I was very astonished to see that “Indo-Aryan” (the word) is very young. It came in vogue in the 19th century rather was invented in the second half of the19th century.

Q: Max Mueller is a very renowned name in India. We have a Max Mueller Institute here where German language is taught and various other activities are conducted. In my understanding, Max Mueller had a command on Sanskrit language and he translated Vedas and other works of Sanskrit. How did he come to acquire immense knowledge of the ancient language which incidentally was not a spoken language?

A: Max Mueller. It is not his name. His name was Friedrich Maximillan Mueller. He did not publish in German. He did not get a job in Germany. He got a job with the East India Company in England. Most of his writings are in English. He was neither a scholar nor (did) he knew Sanskrit. He was a swindler.

Q: You call him a swindler?

A: I call him a swindler. I can provide  proofs in support of my assertion. I can reason it out  also. Max Mueller had assumed that he was a scholar. From his own autobiography, from biographies written by his son and wife, from other biographies, from his other writings, and from his letters, we can reconstruct his life from birth to his death. After passing the High School, he never appeared in any examination rather never cleared any examination…Yet he calls himself a Master of Arts (MA). His wife calls him a Doctor of Philosophy. His wife maintains that he was a Ph. D. from the Leipzig  University. There is no record at the Leipzig University or any proof that he appeared in any examination there.

…Q: OK, but there are people who without going to school or university acquire knowledge of languages. So what about his knowledge of Sanskrit.

A: That is a different issue but one can’t describe oneself as a scholar or ascribe degrees to oneself without clearing  any examination….Max Mueller never came to India…So the question arises that if had not learnt Sanskrit in India then he must have learnt it in Europe. So this is another part of my book ‘Lies with long legs’ as we have tried to find out who was the first person, the pioneer, who taught Sanskrit in Europe.

Q: So who was this person?

A: He was a nobody, He was a simple boy of 18 when he came to India as an ordinary soldier. He completed is term and roamed around in India and then reached France. There he said that he knew Sanskrit. Quality of his knowledge of Sanskrit was that he knew the Devnagri alphabet well  but beyond that he could not make  a distinction between the language and script.

Q :What was his name?

A: Alexander Hamilton was his name.  There is a long story about him in the book because people said that he was a great Sanskrit scholar. So we traced his roots also. The most interesting thing while doing this book was that though all the material is available in the libraries,  no one else  worked on the available material. If some one claimed that a he was a scholar then nobody questioned that claim. Everyone started saying that the person was a scholar as it is written in printed words. It was presumed that if one taught Sanskrit to others then he knew Sanskrit.

…Q: Sanskrit was never a spoken language so how can this be learnt without a teacher? The language had to be learnt systematically for 6 to 7 years so that one could translate works like the Vedas?

A: It is not your opinion alone  Even some European thought the same. Unfortunately those who learnt Sanskrit systematically did not teach the language in Europe. Heinrich Roth was one such person who came to India and landed in Goa and from there was transferred  to Agra. There he became the principal of a Jesuit college.  He belonged to Jesuit order. In Agra, he learnt Sanskrit for six years, mastered the language so well that he “discussed” with the Brahmins in Sanskrit. Having understood the importance of Sanskrit, he compiled  a grammar book with Latin explanatory notes added to it. As a matter of  fact, he produced a simplified version of Panini’s grammar…The Sanskrit grammar vanished in the Vatican library. It was traced in 1988 and all Indologists agree that quality of this grammar book was far superior to the ones upon which Sanskrit was being taught in Europe. Others did not learn Sanskrit properly but they stoutly maintained that they knew Sanskrit.

…Europeans who never came to India but learnt Sanskrit alphabets  and saw Bhagvat Gita and recognised its alphabets. They could possibly recognise words but they did not understand it. So they would collect more book and apply their Christian mind and say that this is not logical so it has to be this or that. In this process, they were also trying to compile a dictionary. There was never a Sanskrit dictionary as grammar is the key to Sanskrit language. But they were trying to compile a dictionary word by word.

So in this way they have transported a type of Sanskrit to Europe where I  have doubts that it is Sanskrit at all. But the tragic part is that this Sanskrit has been imported  back to India. This is what we learn in India with the help of the Sanskrit dictionaries. The standard dictionary of Sanskirt here is of Sir Monier Monier who also never came to India before compiling his dictionary in 1854. He collected all materials and prepared  a dictionary diligently. But this dictionary was not available to Max Mueller. Max Mueller had only one dictionary written by one Wilson. He also stayed in Calcutta. He was a medical doctor. He served as Director of a mint because he had some knowledge of chemicals. He interacted with Bengali Pundits and he prepared the dictionary with the help of the Pundits of Calcutta in as late as 1819 when the first Sanskrit dictionary came out.  At best, Max Mueller could have used this dictionary. Max Mueller was at a place where Wilson taught Sanskrit. Max Mueller observes in his biography that Wilson did not have enough knowledge of Sanskrit.

Q: So you make a dictionary without learning a language?

A: Possibly one could make a dictionary.  Definitely not a good  one.   If you went to China and you met some Chinese and understood what they said and you understood it then make a dictionary.

Q: But with this kind of dictionary, one can’t translate?

A:  Definitely not. But did he translate? In order to translate, one has to have a  command on both languages. I think he had command on German and English. But whatever you translate from Sanskrit and even if one has command on both languages, it would be reflection of one’s mind. Max Mueller  did not understand Sanskrit. He had never read a Sanskrit text.  He had read Sanskrit text with the help of translation made by others.

*** Excerpts end ***

Read the full transcript of the interview here.

UPDATE: You can now read the entire book online on this link

P.S. In this context, another interesting excerpt from Founding Fathers of Astronomy:

In these days of pseudo-secular anti-Hindu India, being actively promoted by the Government of India, scholarship only means being at home with what is written by the western scholars, who have during the last 250 years, continuously discredited the ancient part of Indian culture and tried their very best to bring down the dates to suit their colonial, Christian and now political purpose. If we carefully look into the works of the Englishmen and Europeans published during the 167 years of uninterrupted reign from Warren Hastings in 1772 to the beginning of World War II, for example, hundreds of books were published related to the topics of Indian religion, history and culture, we will find that accounts for all of those works were maliciously falsified and manipulated according to a definite plan as desired by the British Government. William Jones laid the foundation in 1784 AD for the Western History of Ancient India. He deliberately created the problem of the two Chandra Guptas and thus reduced by 1200 years the chronology of India.

This pattern of distortion was continued and perfected by Lord Macaulay, who financed Max Muller (1823-1900) to translate the Rig Veda in a way that would destroy the beliefs of the newly English-educated Indians in their ancient literature. Max Muller agreed to that undertaking for the sake of Christianity and not for advancing the cause of sacred Vedic Heritage. Likewise the British Government——very much like the anti-Hindu and anti-National Government of India actively and openly manipulating the pro-Islamic and pro-Christian NCERT Textbooks today—then paid Pundit Taranath, Sanskrit Professor in Calcutta Sanskrit College, to misinterpret certain words of the Vedic Samhita that should reflect the meaning according to Max Muller’s translation of Rig Veda. As part of this mischievous political arrangement, Taranath compiled a huge dictionary called VACHASPATHYAM IN 1863 AD. He artfully corrupted the meaning of certain Vedic words. The pseudo-secular Anti-Hindu fake scholars of today are still using this Dictionary born out of colonial politics as their Bible for reference and political research today!

Related Posts: Quote of the week: “We are, what we know…” and Thus a system was created..later “corruption” in the Third-World

Also read: Shuddho – Aushuddho: Distorting History, One Step at a Time, Correcting “History”: One Step at a Time and Correcting “History” – one bit at a time

B Shantanu

Political Activist, Blogger, Advisor to start-ups, Seed investor. One time VC and ex-Diplomat. Failed mushroom farmer; ex Radio Jockey. Currently involved in Reclaiming India - One Step at a Time.

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17 Responses

  1. Ram Chengappa says:

    Hope Justice Markandey Katju reads this blog post. This he what he said per Indian Express:
    “You know this is a country of immigrants. You must realise what is India, 92 to 93 per cent of people living in India are descendants of immigrants, including you and me. We are like North America. And because we are a country of immigrants, there is tremendous diversity and, therefore, we must be tolerant of each other and at the same time we must be united,”

  2. Good to see Indian on a trend exposing the colonial skeletons!

    Shantanu’ji, you should do an interview with Shri Rajiv Malhotra author of BREAKING INDIA and BEING DIFFERENT. Follows a similar pattern of rediscovering our identity while exposing massive lies!

  3. Manish Manke says:

    Hi Shantanu

    On similar note not sure if you have read the book Breaking India by Rajiv Malhotra. Here is the youtube link

  4. Dear Shantanu

    This is an important topic and the best minds of the world need to examine this carefully.

    The truth is not a function of academic qualifications, and so Aich’s own qualifications are not relevant, but I was astonished that I could not find any ready reference to this “Professor” on the internet.

    I searched JSTOR and found that he has published a (VERY) few minor articles and one book. Details of my findings below:

    FARBIGE UNTER WEISSEN. BY PRODOSH Aim. Cologne: Kiepenheuer, 1962, 315 p. DM. 16.80. A discussion of the condition of Asian and African students in West Germany, based on some 386 interviews in five university towns.

    Asian and African Students in the West German University
    Vol. I, No. 4 Summer 1963.

    Even the Oldenburg university had only a few minor references to him, e.g. see

    I’m not saying his claims are worthless, but since he is not arguing the OUTPUT of Max Muller but his INPUT (qualifications and credentials), I would have hoped that Aich himself at least had very superior academic credentials in this area.

    Looks like he has himself not published a single research article on this subject.

    You might want to conduct some more research on this man and let us know whether you think Aich is any authority on this subject.

    On Wiki’s talk page here (, there are many questions raised about Samskriti publisher. I checked Samskriti website and found it very uninspiring – I’d rate it as a very ordinary publisher.

    Note that I might be wrong on all these initial explorations. It might be that Aich is a world-renowned authority on this subject. What I’m saying is that it is inadvisable to take the word of a single person (particularly one who has not published internationally in ANY reputed journal on this topic) to question what is generally well accepted.

    In the case of Max Mueller, let’s not forget that Vivekananda thought he had done a pretty good job at understanding the Vedanta: “Max Müller is a Vedantist of Vedantists. He has, indeed, caught the real soul of the melody of the Vedanta, in the midst of all its settings of harmonies and discord”

    Vivekananda even said: “And what love he bears towards India! I wish I had a hundredth part of that love for my own motherland!”

    To me Vivekananda’s endorsement (he actually met Muller) has a resonance that the claims of a scholar of unknown credibility can’t compare with.

    I’m open to learning more, but would request you to investigate this very thoroughly. Taking Aich at face value seems to me to be somewhat fraught.


  5. Further pursing this briefly, chanced upon – the last para does seem to confirm that Muller did not know how to speak Sanskrit. All this is very odd, and doesn’t fit with what Vivekananda wrote.

  6. Malavika says:

    Here is further information about Max Muller from meticulously researched Rajiv Malhotra

    “The predator-prey mentality of foreign rulers and scholars working on the ancient texts of India did not fail to influence the famous Max Mueller. This is reflected in one of the letters by Prof. Mueller addressed to the Duke of Orgoil, the then Secretary of State for India. Mueller wrote on 16th Dec. 1868:

    “The ancient religion of India is totally doomed and if Christianity doesn’t step in whose fault will it be.”

    Furthermore, in a letter addressed to his wife in 1868, Prof. Max Mueller wrote:

    “I hope I shall finish that work and feel convinced that though I shall not live to see it, yet this edition of mine and translation of Vedas will hereafter tell to a great extent on the fate of India and on the growth of millions of the souls in this country.”

    In the same letter, he further observes:

    “It [Veda] is the root of their religion and to show them what the root is, I feel sure, the only way of uprooting all that has been sprung from it during the last three thousand years.”

    The text of his letters is self-explanatory to the fact that scholars like Max Mueller often started studying Sanskrit with ulterior motives. The modern condition demonstrates that he was more or less successful in his vision.”

  7. Sandeep says:

    Mr. Sabhlok,

    You are showing too much of babooism here.

    Read argumentum ad verecundiam

    “In the case of Max Mueller, let’s not forget that Vivekananda thought he had done a pretty good job at understanding the Vedanta: “Max Müller is a Vedantist of Vedantists. He has, indeed, caught the real soul of the melody of the Vedanta, in the midst of all its settings of harmonies and discord”
    Vivekananda even said: “And what love he bears towards India! I wish I had a hundredth part of that love for my own motherland!”

    To me Vivekananda’s endorsement (he actually met Muller) has a resonance that the claims of a scholar of unknown credibility can’t compare wit………….”

    THE SIMPLE FACT IS THAT, you know nothing about either Muller or Swami Vivekananda.

    Or else you would not have assumed Swami Vivekananda’s “formal praise” as “endorsement”.

    Try reading more of Swami Vivekananda’s writings, there are references where Swami makes critical remarks against ‘childish’ ‘research works’ of Pseudo scholars’ like Maxmuller & co.

    I find it really funny to see you requesting Shantanu to research about Dr.Aich.

    When I requested you to read more about your GOD ( Macaulay’s) illicit relation with his sisters, you got hurt and you just ran away without offering any explanations.

  8. Sandeep says:

    @ Sabhlok,

    “Professor Max Müller says in one of his books that, whatever similarities there may be, unless it be demonstrated that some one Greek knew Sanskrit, it cannot be concluded that ancient India helped ancient Greece in any way. But it is curious to observe that some Western savants, finding several terms of Indian astronomy similar to those of Greek astronomy, and coming to know that the Greeks founded a small kingdom on the borders of India, can clearly read the help of Greece on everything Indian, on Indian literature, Indian astronomy, Indian arithmetic. Not only so; one has been bold enough to go so far as to declare that all Indian sciences as a rule are but echoes of the Greek!

    On a single Sanskrit Shloka —
    म्लेच्छा वै यवनाः तेषु एषा विद्या प्रतिष्ठिता। ऋषिवत् तेऽपि पूज्यन्ते . . .
    — “The Yavanas are Mlechchhas, in them this science is established, (therefore) even they deserve worship like Rishis, . . .” — how much the Westerners have indulged their unrestrained imagination! But it remains to be shown how the above Shloka goes to prove that the Aryas were taught by the Mlechchhas. The meaning may be that the learning of the Mlechchha disciples of the Aryan teachers is praised here, only to encourage the Mlechchhas in their pursuit of the Aryan science.

    Secondly, when the germ of every Aryan science is found in the Vedas and every step of any of those sciences can be traced with exactness from the Vedic to the present day, what is the necessity for forcing the far-fetched suggestion of the Greek influence on them? “What is the use of going to the hills in search of honey if it is available at home?” as a Sanskrit proverb says.

    Again, every Greek-like word of Aryan astronomy can be easily derived from Sanskrit roots. The Swami could not understand what right the Western scholars had to trace those words to a Greek source, thus ignoring their direct etymology.

    In the same manner, if on finding mention of the word Yavanikâ (curtain) in the dramas of Kâlidâsa and other Indian poets, the Yâvanika (Ionian or Greek) influence on the whole of the dramatic literature of the time is ascertained, then one should first stop to compare whether the Aryan dramas are at all like the Greek. Those who have studied the mode of action and style of the dramas of both the languages must have to admit that any such likeness, if found, is only a fancy of the obstinate dreamer, and has never any real existence as a matter of fact. Where is that Greek chorus? The Greek Yavanika is on one side of the stage, the Aryan diametrically on the other. The characteristic manner of expression of the Greek drama is one thing, that of the Aryan quite another. There is not the least likeness between the Aryan and the Greek dramas: rather the dramas of Shakespeare resemble to a great extent the dramas of India. So the conclusion may also be drawn that Shakespeare is indebted to Kalidasa and other ancient Indian dramatists for all his writings, and that the whole Western literature is only an imitation of the Indian.

    Lastly, turning Professor Max Müller’s own premisses against him, it may be said as well that until it is demonstrated that some one Hindu knew Greek some time one ought not to talk even of Greek influence.”

    [Translated from a Paris letter written to the Udbodhana.]

  9. Suhas says:

    Müller received his Ph.D. in 1843 for a dissertation on Spinoza’s Ethics
    He recd PhD in Spinoza ethics.

  10. Amit says:

    Swami Vivekanandas met maxmuller when he was of very age old , in old age maxmuller even commented , ” we don’t for sure whether Vedas are 1500 years old or 15000 years old ” , so he was ready to accept a much older date for Vedas, may be he was changed in old age ,

    these letters of maxmuller claiming “uprooting hinduism ” were not exposed then , and Swami was not aware of his hidden agenda , thats why he even praised him as “Sayan reincarnated ” for translating Vedas ,

    but Swami Vivekananda strongly opposed AIT , and now we know that it was maxmuller who gave AIT with his agenda to Christianize India ,

  11. B Shantanu says:

    Dear All: Thanks for your comments and observations…On vacation at present so unable to respond.
    Will try and upload some chapters of the book once I am back to give you all a flavour of the work done by Dr Aich.
    More in early Nov, once I am back. Thanks for your patience.

  12. Sandeep says:


    Now please tell us more about “Vivekananda’s endorsement”.

  13. Mahan says:

    For me western things written by westerners and oriental things written by orientals in any language are understandable and authentic. Kalidasa can explain better about his works and can show the inner meanings of some of the intricacies than a third person explaining it. same case with Shakespeare. Now we have mater, meter, mother, matru, mata etc. similarly Father, Pitru, peter pater etc for relations in different languages. Does it mean one language influenced the other and before the influence took place they did not know what to call their relations? Any thing Vivekananda said about Max Muller are off line remarks and do not illustrate anything. The authenticity of the same needs verification. So Max Muller’s thorough knowledge on sanskrit is as dubious as a thorough knowledge of Arabic or Greek or English for that matter by a learned scholar of Indian origin Chinese. My children here in US speak our mother tongue from their childhood and read books in their mother tongue but still do not understand many words when we parents speak. One thing is true. Indian scholarship in Indian civilization is doomed by the western hegemony. It is pity we are reading about India and trying to learn about India through western Kaleidoscope. Influence of 200 years of rule and systematic destruction

  14. B Shantanu says:

    Related Post Ancient tools found in India undermine the “out of Africa” hypothesis by ANNALEE NEWITZ, 1/31/2018 and a few excerpts:

    Scientists have unveiled an extraordinary new analysis of thousands of stone tools found at a site called Attirampakkam in India, northwest of Chennai in Tamil Nadu. Thanks to new dating techniques, a team led by archaeologist Shanti Pappu determined that most of the tools are between 385,000 and 172,000 years old. What makes these dates noteworthy is that they upend the idea that tool-making was transformed in India after an influx of modern Homo sapiens came from Africa starting about 130,000 years ago.

    Writing in Nature, the group explains that the Attirampakkam site is ideal for this kind of dating, because it was regularly flooded by a nearby stream, meaning that discarded tools were quickly covered up by sediments in the water. Those regular floods left behind a relatively tidy stack of debris layers, each of which could be dated.

    The hominins who made tools at Attirampakkam made a wide variety of items, some of which closely resembled the Middle Paleolithic style that emerged in Africa around 300,000 years ago. The Middle Paleolithic marks a cultural shift when humans began to make smaller, more complicated tools, often requiring toolmakers to shape their stones in a multi-stage process. Before the Middle Paleolithic, hominins created biface tools, or simple, heavy hand axes shaped like teardrops.

    A traditional “out of Africa” hypothesis holds that early humans in India were essentially stuck in the biface age, making their elementary axes until modern Homo sapiens swarmed the subcontinent about 130,000 years ago and brought the wonders of Middle Paleolithic tools to everyone. Except Pappu and her team found a mix of bifaces and Middle Paleolithic tools at Attirampakkam. Somehow, African and Indian hominins were developing the same toolmaking skills at roughly the same time.

    This changes our understanding of human development and ancient migration patterns.