Latin American Hanuman?

Thanks to KV Sarma J for alerting me to this image. KV mentioned that the image reminded him of “Gada-dhari” Hanuman doing “Ram-naam jaap“. I agree.

Wikipedia informs us that:

The howler monkey god was a major deity of the arts – including music – and a patron of the artisans among the Classic Mayas, especially of the scribes and sculptors…

…it are the two large statues of simian figures shaking rattles (see fig.), found on both sides of the ‘Reviewing Stand’ of Copan’s temple 11, that approach much more closely the standard representation of this animal in Maya art..

Variously described as wind gods and comedians, these statues may actually represent howler monkeys in their quality of musicians.

Did you notice the reference to wind-gods? Of course Shri Hanuman is revered as “Pawan-Sut” or “Pawan-Putra“!  In this context, pl also refer to some tweets by Neeta Raina on 19th & 20th May,

Image courtesy: Adalberto Hernandez Vega via Wikipedia

B Shantanu

Political Activist, Blogger, Advisor to start-ups, Seed investor. One time VC and ex-Diplomat. Failed mushroom farmer; ex Radio Jockey. Currently involved in Reclaiming India - One Step at a Time.

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12 Responses

  1. froginthewell says:

    BTW at least as per some stories Hanuman is supposed to be a great singer as well. The story goes that once sage Narada was proud of his singing abilities, and was sent to Hanuman. Narada went to Hanuman, kept his veena on a rock and got absorbed in his music. But when the rendition was over, he found his veena lodged inside the rock : apparently the rock had melted while Hanuman sang, and solidified again afterwards. Narada was not able to retrieve the veena because however much he sang, the rock wouldn’t melt. So he had to request Hanuman to sing again and melt the rock so the veena could be retrieved.

  2. surendra bisht says:

    namaskar shantanu ji.
    there is urgent need to study ancient American Culture and Civilization by scholars of vedik literature. it may be one task to be undertaken by someone for the benefit of humanity. with regards.

  3. Sandeep says:

    Shantanu ji,

    This connection (Latin america & Bharat)was known to many Indian Scholars. I have seen books in Malayalam language (year of publication:1950’s) refering to this connection.


  4. bhuvan says:

    IMHO, I am really disappointed by the responses here and the lack of understanding of Bharatvarsh history and culture.This is the outcome of the systematic brainswash which started almost 300years ago. There are plenty of evidences in the …VEDIC LITERATURE which says the whole world was known as ‘BHARATAVARSH’. Either you believe the manipulated encyclopedias, diabolic historians and their history books or the VEDIC LITERATURE. No surprise, this is Kaliyuga. Just to quote Srimad Bhagwatam (3/12/53-56) “Bhagwan Ved Vyas, Swayambhuv Manu and Shatroopa appeared from Brahma’s body. They started the first human generation on the EARTH PLANET in BHARATVARSH………….) and SB (8/1/4, 8/13/1-3) “In the begining of this kalp (about 1,900 million years ago), Swayambhuv Manu started human generation. Then there were five more Manus. The period of one Manu is 308.57142 million years. The existing Manu is the seventh Manu whose name is Vaivaswat. His period started 120.5331 million years ago. He had 10 sons and one daughter Ela from whom the entire human population multiplied which we have today”. Chronology can be followed on for those who are interested, but who cares in this tailormade WIKIPEDIA times and who has the time to look out for such things and what is the use of this anyways.

  5. Sivakumar says:

    Well said bhuvan!!! I can’t agree with you more

  6. B Shantanu says:

    The link to the Narad Hanuman story cited by froginthewell above:

  7. Ram Sharma says:


    There are two sorts of opinion regarding how vast Indic culture was and how far it spread in the Ancient times. First opinion is that ideas originate at one place & then spread from this centralized place into many other areas. This is what I call Euro-centric view of civilization. Second opinion is that there are universal ideas which are innate in human psyche and manifest itself in varied ways according to time & space constraint. This is Eastern view of civilization – where universal ideas are not confined to one specific area (consider it as their monopoly).

    Looking form the prism of first opinion i.e. Euro-centric view, we think that Indic culture spread in far away societies like Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Rome & Greece through peaceful penetration (not through missionary zeal). There are lots of evidences that prove that how myriads of rituals and tradition along with numerous gods & goddess are quite similar in these civilizations. Apparently, there were many ideas that went from India to these other civilization and they benefited from this cross-cultural communication. But – is it right to believe that all ideas originated in India? Believing that – it’s only our country that had monopoly of all great ideas in ancient time seems in one sense flattering. We might be falling in this “euro-centric” trap when justifying every correlation that we find in faraway places with India.

    Now coming to second opinion i.e. universal ideas are innate. All these resemblance in these scattered civilizations throughout our globe might have their origin in human psyche. Without having any contact with each other – how these civilizations came up with many ideas, concepts, rituals and symbols that are so similar to each other. Did the idea of “initiation ceremony” originated in India and reached to other civilizations. Or this idea is part of human psyche which manifest in myriads way through different rituals. Before the dominance of Semitic civilization, concept and symbols of multiple deities were prevalent in every society. Presence of these numerous deities and with or above them one supreme GOD or SHAKTI in one society reveals crucial facts of our psyche. Our psyche is made up of two opposing factors – factor that integrate and factor that differentiate. These multiple deities are manifestation of our “Differentiating” psyche and One Supreme God is manifestation of our “Integrating” psyche.

    So, these resemblances need not have originated at one place and spread to other areas. These ideas were universal and form a part of innate human psyche. Semitic onslaught wiped out these universal expressions of innate psyche to impose its own intolerant, bigoted and fanatical concept of one zealous GOD.

  8. twistleton says:

    @Ram Sharma

    Good post.

    Something akin to parallel/convergent evolution.

  9. SUHAS says:
    See this and see how interesting it is,

  10. CC says:

    bhuvan says 7th Manu had 10 sons and 1 daughter and they populated the earth. So incest is how we all came about? How then is Hinduism different from Christianity which claims Adam and Eve populated the earth. What about Evolution? Are Hindus now claiming their own version of intelligent design?

    Shantanu ji,

    Please do not let such comments taint this forum. We need to encourage rational thinking do we not?


  11. bhuvan says:

    Dear CC,

    Thanks for reading the Bhagwatam translation of text SB (8/1/4, 8/13/1-3)and also for your own ‘interpretation’.

    Before proceeding further, are you in a position to disclose on this blog whether you believe in JAI SHRI RAM (God)or not. Appreciate if you can mention this, as it is really important to approach such subjects without any prejudice. Also if you can share your understanding of the terms 1. Evoloution 2. Hinduism 3. Christianity as mentioned in your comment.

    Because of the time constrict, I won’t be able to add any ‘value’ to some meaningless discussion on the internet.

    You may further explore this subject through the direct access to the vast VEDIC LITERATURE. For that please refer ( mainly Vedic literature pic) and also



  12. twistleton says:

    @ bhuvan

    to each their own sir. I’m sure the Vedas allow for plurality of realities.