A Reminder on Comments Policy

Dear All: Just a brief reminder to everyone regarding my comments policy. Pl. do read.

*** Important Points about Comments on this blog ***

All irrelevant and/or off-topic comments will be removed without notice.

All comments with tenuous links to the post will be removed without notice.

Comments that are not posted on the appropriate threads will be removed without notice. To find relevant threads to post to, please use the “Search” box in the right-hand side bar or the “Categories” drop down menu at the bottom of the right hand side bar.

Comments that do not add much information/thought to the discussion/post are most likely to be deleted without notice.

Duplicate or repetitive comments with apparently a single point agenda will be deleted without notice.

Comments that border on being abusive will be deleted without notice.

Comments that make generic and sweeping accusations will be deleted without notice.

Repeated violation(s) of these guidelines is very likely to lead to a temporary ban.

If you feel any of the published comment(s) is(are) inappropriate, kindly bring to my attention by leaving a comment on the blog or sending me an email at jaidharma AT gmail.com

Pl. note that all comments are being monitored on this blog and I reserve the right to delete, edit or modify any comment submitted to this site without prior notification and/or explanation.

Note that it should not be assumed I agree with or otherwise endorse any particular comment or comments just because I let them remain on the site.

At present, comments are loosely moderated on this blog. In most cases, if you have commented before, your comment will be approved automatically. Comments with multiple URL Links may be held in moderation queue. Email addresses are not published on the blog.

This is a personal blog and my decision on approving, modifying, moderating or deleting comments will be final in ALL cases.

Finally, please be aware that sending me snide, sarcastic, derogatory, abusive or threatening emails/comments is likely to be counter-productive and may invite legal action.

P.S. You may also wish to read the relevant portions on this page and the three comments that follow.

Related Post: Comment moderation policy relaxed

B Shantanu

Political Activist, Blogger, Advisor to start-ups, Seed investor. One time VC and ex-Diplomat. Failed mushroom farmer; ex Radio Jockey. Currently involved in Reclaiming India - One Step at a Time.

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2 Responses

  1. Khandu Patel says:

    I am glad you have thought about a comments policy. Since most people commenting here want to do everything to raise parliamentary standards, the best service we could render is to conduct our debates in a way which earns respect for the quality of it. We should learn a lot from the way debates are conducted in the British Houses of Parliament. The first point of order should be to debate with decorum and consideration with those you disagree with as well as those with whom you agree. The second should be about generosity of spirit in promoting the welfare and cause of Bharat in the world. There are Indian Christians and Muslims who share these ideals. There support and understanding would be of inestimable value in promoting our goals. Unnecessarily alienating them can prove costly.

  2. B Shantanu says:

    Very well said Khandu.