When is it OK to storm a place of worship?

Several of you must have read the news about storming of the Red Mosque already.

See e.g. “Pakistani rebel cleric ‘killed’” and “Beyond the Lal Masjid operation“.

My question is: “When is it OK for the police or military to storm a place of worship?”

My starting position:

1. When it is in the national interest to do so (e.g. the place of worship is harbouring people/groups inimical to national interest and/or directly threatening national security);

2. When it is in the interest of maintaining public law and order (e.g. when people/groups inside the place of worship are threatening civil society and its norms).

Reactions? Comments? Thoughts? Any improvements on the formulation above are also welcome.

In the meantime, I am going to do some more research on Operation Bluestar

P.S. A BBC profile of “Lal Masjid” is here.

Related Post: As ye sow, so shall ye reap*


AFTERTHOUGHT: I am curious whether there is any record of a temple being stormed – either post independence or pre-independence?  Does anyone have any information? Thanks


UPDATED: Viv’s comment (#3) below suggests that the question should have been slightly different. I have added “the police or military” above. 

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5 Responses

  1. Kanchan says:

    I agree with you on that Shantanu. If a place to worship becomes a hub for inhuman activities then it becomes necessary to drive those inhuman elements out of that place using force if required.

  2. Indian says:

    Simply, according to many- When they do it is “Lila”, when India does it is “Bhavai”.

  3. Viv says:

    Are we talking about the storming of religious places with respect to Govts?
    Then, under what category does the demolition if babri Masjid come?

    Can anybody shed some light on the Babri demolition?
    Why did it happen? Who was behind it? What was it in response to? What does Hindutva say about the demolition?

    A very basic explanation will do…

    peace to all

  4. B Shantanu says:

    Viv: Yes, we are indeed talking of religious places that have been stormed by the police, paramilitary or armed forces of the State.

    Babri Masjid demolition was not done by police or paramilitary forces (or the army)

    For basic information on the demolition, I will suggest you have a look at the wikipedia entry:


    The “Further Reading” list and “External Links” sections have both sides of the argument represented within the references. Thanks.

  5. Nandan says:

    The primary duty of any Government is the maintenance of law and order. All others are secondary. Seen in this light, Governments have a duty imposed on them to intervene when law and order dispensation migrates to the hands of private individuals or bodies. This principle is not restricted to storming of religious places.